Switched by Mabel Marsters
Chapter: Chapter Ten: Mmm...Tasty!

12/21/2010 03:04 am
Neat ending!  Good for Buffy having an eye or else,poor Giles. 

Cool. Thanks. :-)
05/03/2010 10:38 pm
Was fun to write - sorry for the delay in responding - didn't get notification !

09/14/2009 01:58 am

Oh, that was so rich! "The mini bar's just so good at this hotel." Oh, I just love it! I'll have to see what else you've written now.

I have other fics not eligible for on here - at mabel-marsters.livejournal.com :D 

Thank you for reading and for your lovely comments.

09/10/2009 08:14 pm
What an unexpected twist you put on his continuing to drink Giles's blood. Yup, that is definitely the old snarky, self-centered Spike from that era that we know and love (well, kind of love)!   You did a good job in this whole story capturing him in that transitional phase of his life (unlife!).  Thanks for the story!
Thank you for reading.  I just didn't think that Spike would be able to resist playing poor old Giles a little
