The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes by AJ Hofacre
Chapter: six

Thanks :-)
04/26/2010 02:02 pm

09/18/2009 02:11 am
very good read, thank you. delightful ending (or beginning.)

09/14/2009 02:41 pm
This is just such a brilliant twist on season 7 and beyond - Thank you.

09/13/2009 07:12 pm
     Planning a sequel, I see. I hope Angel will be a little more mature this time. But only a little, because otherwise he wouldn't be Angel. I'd've never figured Anya & Wesley - then again, of all the men I've ever met (er, uh, I mean read about ), he has the most eclectic taste in lovers. Good show! Best story I have read with a turned Buffy.

09/12/2009 05:33 pm
I know I already told you I really liked it, but I thought I'd tell you again. :)

And I'm glad you let me help you with this. I had fun. ::hugs:: Especially since you've been such a big help while I tried to fix my writing blunders.

09/12/2009 01:50 am
Oh wow! Is there a possibility of a sequel with a Supernatural crossover in the works? This story has been lovely. Lilah was very much in the right, tomorrow morning the fun will really start, especially with that amulet.