Third Time's the Charm by zennjenn
Chapter: The Return of Martin Who?

07/18/2010 04:10 am

10/30/2009 05:47 am
NICE use of the film -
Thank you!  The original french film is a great flic.  The hollywood version with Richard Gear - not so much! :0)

Buffy Convert
10/28/2009 06:19 pm
Wow! I wonder, did you leave a hint that Willow was with Chantal & I didn't pick up on - or if it was just a Spike thing? I can't wait till he meets up with the Bit! And to just whom is Dawn married? 
LOL - now I have to go back and figure out if I left a clue deliberately or if it was just an instinctual thing....maybe Spike just knew based on what he'd seen of Chantal - that she was Willow's type! Ohoh....the whole Dawn married thing....I'm sure there'll be a reaction!

10/22/2009 10:25 pm
LOL!  He stuck Willow with the bill.  Some things never change.  I'm enjoying this.  Can't wait for Buffy to see him.
Hehehe!  It's fun isn't it!?  He's just so much fun to write!  Thanks for the banner! It looks fantastic!

fyreburned (Kara)
10/08/2009 05:45 am
Hey, I read that book, *and* saw the movie,  dissected the hell outta it's sources and references & all, for the BA History's senior seminar when I was at university. And then there was also that (I think) Richard Gere/Jodie Foster Amer. Civil War era movie based on the same plot.  As soon as I saw the title "... Martin Who?" I knew it  was Martin Guerre. (And for the record, I always figured Martin's wife KNEW the 2d guy really wasn't Martin, 'cos suddenly she started getting way better lovin' than she'd ever gotten before! Don't blame her a bit for not ratting him out!) Can't wait to see how you draw this out! Somehow, I'll bet between Spike, Willow and Dawnie there's gonna be either some amazingly funny hijinx or one serious cock-up!
Was so glad Willow was happy to see Spike. AND that she recognized he'd been sent to save Buffy, as if she'd personnally been the one whose prayers he was the answer to.
AND I love that he ate 50 Buffalo wings and stuck HER with the bill!!!
LOL - can you believe I read and saw the french movie because I wanted to and not because
I had too? :0)  Glad you're enjoying the story and it's references! Thanks for reading and the for
the entertaining comments!

09/15/2009 05:48 pm
Must you drag out the confrontation scene? lol... those are always my favorites. will be reading chapter five asap...
LOL! Of course I have to drag it out, I'm trying to build some drama and anticipation heee!!!  They are my favorites too, hope you like the eventual confrontation.  Again, thanks for reading and commenting!

09/13/2009 02:06 pm
But the yellow aura wasn't Spike's one, his was of vibrant red and orange. I wonder if this other person is important too.
Not sure how Buffy the news will take especially when she (her dating) was the cause that Spike didn't contact her. Martin Guerre sounded familiar for me; Wikipedia helped to know for sure. ;) Willow should use it.
LOL - it's one of my fave flics, a little French movie with Gerard Depardieu and then I think they redid some awful english version with Richard Gear! :0)

09/12/2009 03:08 am
Two updates in a row! I'm off to read the next...
LOL! Hope you enjoy the next one!  Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment!