Revenant by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 5

09/18/2009 11:19 pm
buffy is having some difficulty in understanding spike will do anything in his power to spare her. very good read, thank you. love the last line.
Thank you!  Yes, she's still having trouble - the Scoobs really have a problem with killing humans.  A good thing usually, but not in this case.

09/15/2009 03:13 pm
     Loved this chappie! Buffy's conversation with Angel was not over-the-top, but only as angry as he forced her to be. I was sad to see that Buffy couldn't understand why Spike had to kill Ben, but then she hadn't had to fight Glorificus yet, so it's understandable.
That's exactly what I thought - she isn't really aware of how dangerous Glory was.

09/13/2009 07:23 pm
Very exciting! I loved the giggling Giles, and super-juiced Spike. Buffy has hit on something important, when she asks:

Is it a vamp thing, that despite your souls the only solution either of you can find is to kill?

Good stuff.
It begged the question.  I should explore that in some story - it might be interesting.  I'm so glad you're liking this!  Thank you!

09/13/2009 02:24 pm

So what, by killing Glory, Spike opened the portal anyway? Or maybe it's open in another dimension, or maybe Buffy2's dropping by to say hi? Can't wait fo find out. Love the "Angel's an ass" you've got going here.

Not a fan of Angel's, as you can see. :D  Thank you for liking it!

09/13/2009 01:17 am
Of course it's not going to be that easy. It's never that easy.
Go Spike! Taking out Glory like that! And then not caving in about killing Ben.
Why is is such a difficult concept to get? Kill Ben or all hell breaks loose. The only way is right. And Spike did them a favour- now both Giles and Buffy won't have to live with doing that.
How dare Angel wanna kill Dawn?! Did he really think that suggesting killing her, when, false memories or not, Buffy loves her? Right, because that's going to go over well. That's right Spike, keep protecting your Nibblet.
I'm gald that no one (in theory) is gonna figure out about Dawn- again with less angst to come if it stays secret.
Can's wait for the next (last?) chapter!
You know the Scoobs.  Human are sacred, because of their souls.
And Angel is pragmatic.  He doesn't know or care for Dawn, sees her only as this alien ball of energy.  In canon, Giles wanted to kill Dawn, even though he knew and cared for her, since her one life would save billions.  But neither Spike or Buffy will allow it.

09/13/2009 12:57 am
You can't leave us with a totally unexplained cliffhanger like that! And when we had other stuff to deal with, too.

Liked Buffy's thoughts about both Spike and Angel, and what she said to Angel. Poor Spike, though, I think he needs to do more to defend himself to her.

Can't wait to find out what happens next!
He will do more.  Thank you for liking this!