Third Time's the Charm by zennjenn
Chapter: Belle of the Ball

07/18/2010 06:26 am

10/15/2009 12:16 am
enjoy the spike and sam scene. hope spike helped her. like the character. would enjoy seeing thrive.  nice place to stop. not really. very good update, thank you.
Thank you.  I really liked Sam too.  I enjoyed writing her and I thought she was a bit different from the usual B characters.  Mind, I was thinking a bit of Tara when I wrote her too.

mabel marsters
10/11/2009 05:20 pm
Hi Jenn!

Apologies for missing the mirror thing *heads desk*. 

This is your 100th review! :D  Couldn't resist it.  I'm thrilled at how well your story is being received.  You need to post the banner though!  Shame for folks not to see it :D
LOL - tell me about beta must've been tired that day! :0)  And I did post the banner on a few of th chapters.  Should it be on all of them?

Yeah for me - 100 reviews!  Thank you Mabel!  The story wouldn't be where it is, if not for your help.

10/11/2009 04:01 am
I do feel for Sam.  To have that big of a crush on someone and to KNOW that they will never feel that way about you.  I am glad that he got a chance to have a conversation with her about it.  But I hope it sticks.  But really what will they do now that they have been caught?  I can't wait to find out.
With Sam I sort of tried to capture what I think many women have felt at one point in their lives - unrequited love.  I think it was DH Lawrence who wrote "that unrequited love doth kill the love that feeds it."  It'll stick, but it'll take time.  Thanks for reading and commenting!

10/09/2009 01:02 am
Whoa....Spike could see himself in the mirror?! thinks there be something funny going on.....
Nah...just me not keeping tabs on myself!  Apologies all around for the mix up but it has been

10/08/2009 11:44 pm
just been catching up on the last 3 chapters - all I can say is, Spike cooking and  then in a tuxedo, I'll go and cool down now. Great stuff again, as ever keep it coming!
LOL!!  I'm terrible for projecting my own fantasies on him! But really - who can resist a Spike
who cooks and looks good dressed up and down? :0)  Glad you're enjoying it and thank you so
much for reading!

fyreburned (Kara)
10/08/2009 10:47 pm
Ack! Busted!
And now I'm sad 'cos I've reached the end of the updates! More, more! Please???  Do I need my own djinni to get more chappies?
I realized I forgot to comment/a question from a couple chapters back--- re: Buffy 'sharing the load (burden?)' among the other slayers now... Where's Faith?
And back to this chappie--- Spike was looking in a MIRROR at his reflection while getting dressing in his tuxedo? A reflection? Huh? Did I miss something? Whuh? 'Cos I thought specifically at the beginning that Willow couldn't see him in the Bar's barback mirror, just saw his 'aura' ??? Again, did I miss something? How is he able to see himself in a mirror? And, BTW, any respectable Victorian gentleman (even with a gentleman's gentleman on hand) knew any number of different ways to tie a cravat/necktie/bowtie... of course he did--- he lived through all the ties'  various incarnations since the late 19th cent.
Love this... can't wait for more already!
LOL - no - you didn't miss anything - it was my bad!  I have no idea how I and my betad missed that but all I can say - there are just so many other things to fix ! :0)  So yeah - I've gone back and fixed
the mirror/reflection thing.  As for the tie - it has been a while so he may have stumbled a bit,
but he did get it right in the end. :0) 

10/08/2009 08:48 pm
Oh.. hope Sam won't be a problem.
And now they are caught. Not so good....
Sam might be a bit of a problem, but Spike and Buffy have bigger problems than her to deal

10/08/2009 11:19 am
Please don't stop writing, because I would like to read the end. Update as soon as you can.
No worries about that happening.  The story is already written!  Just a matter of posting
the chapters when I get the time.  Thank you so much for reading!

10/08/2009 03:03 am
Ooops! Thanks so much for the back to back updates. Loved the way Spike was with Sam.
Thank you so much!  I've got a bit of a soft spot for Sam.  I like it when he's kind and gentle
with her.  Reminds himself of his own potential for kindness.