Payback by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 1

02/14/2011 01:18 am

What a delicious beginning! I am totally intrigued.

Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!  I hadn't tried a Season Six Buffy after her resurrection before and it occurred to me that it would be interesting to have an aggressive S2/3 Spike confront her instead of the S6 Spike she could kick around so easily.  : )

11/01/2009 07:08 pm
A freaking nun - lol!  Great story, Dream. Can't wait to see Spike in action.
I couldn't see why they made her look like that in 'Wrecked' except that she really was trying to pretend she was one. :D  I'm so glad you're liking it!  Thank you!

Buffy Convert
10/31/2009 01:44 pm
Guess it might be pretty risky to get drunk in a demon bar! Can't wait for what happens next!
I'm so sorry to be responding so late - BSV doesn't seem to be advising us about new reviews anymore and I only just found this.  Not watching what you say around a vengeance demon is the real problem. :D  Thank you for liking it!

10/30/2009 02:54 pm
Very interesting concept! Vengeance demons do not have they? They just set a scenario and let the dice roll where they may is what I thought. Looking very appealing!
I'm so sorry to be late responding - BSV doesn't seem to be advising us of new reviews anymore.  I always thought that vengeance demons could do specific wishes, except neither Anya nor Halfrek were very good at setting out the parameters properly.  This vengeance demon is drunk, so he messes it up even worse than usual.  :D  I'm so glad you're liking it!  Thank you!

10/23/2009 03:03 am
very good read, thank you. loved:  "Spike grinned."
I could just see him. :D  Thank you for liking it!

10/21/2009 10:00 pm
Spike was the last person anyone could call convenient. He was always irredeemably inconvenient.

What a perfect place to insert the Big Bad. His idea of fun might just combine with enough bald truth to get Buffy's blinders off. Among other things. ;-}

Great start! Very imaginative!
Thank you!  I couldn't resist seeing what evil-Spike would do in this situation. :D

10/17/2009 06:00 pm
I always get so excited when I see a new story of yours! I think the idea of Spike from season three, evil but still romantic and proud in himself isntead of accepting contemptuous treatment, is going to be a great change. How will Buffy have to react when Spike doesn't let her try to destroy herself? At the same time, I wonder how he'll go about his plan to make them all pay? I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I am worried about how he treats Dawn, and what his memories of her during Buffy's death might mean nothing to him. Shouldn't the feelings from then matter? And I hope they figure out it isn't the Spike they know so that Buffy can't convince herself that Spike never really loved her, he's just sick and he was waiting for a chance the chip stopped working to be cruel and vicious-- it would be awful for her to ignore the things the current Spike did and felt.
All of them are so hung up on that 'soul = evil' thing that they never see that he has feelings and in fact acts better than a lot of them.  I wanted Spike to fight back a bit here.  His memories of Dawn are good and he is fair, so he wouldn't hurt her.  Thank you for liking the story so far!

10/17/2009 05:27 pm
Nice I like Spike's fire
Thank you!  Bad Spike is so much fun.

10/17/2009 01:11 pm
*fist pump*

GO SPIKE!!!  Give the bitch a taste of her own medicine!!! 

I really hope you let Spike get back a bit of his own; I hated that the show made him such a wimpy, mewling push-over.  But then again, you always let Spike keep his dignity, so I have hope!!!

Can't wait for more!
I too hate when they humiliate Spike.  (It should be Xander and Angel. :D)  Badass Spike is so much fun, so I thought:  Let's see what would happen if he got a chance to get his own back.  Thank you for liking it!

10/17/2009 01:00 pm
Spike was the last person anyone could call convenient. He was always irredeemably inconvenient. And he was going to prove it.

Fantastic.  I always wished Spike wasn't  so whupped, the way he put up with all that crap!
It got me too.  That's why I started wondering what would happen if he hit back. :D  I'm so glad you're liking it!  Thank you!

10/17/2009 10:17 am
PC is over rated!  Give me a "Spike" with chops.  There were so many times I wanted too go "Medieval" on the characters because of the way the writers insisted on writing off the "big bad" as a joke or a fangless dog. 

It would be lovely to see this wrong righted, but if I can't have the group paid back for their "kick the Spike" view.  Then I'll take solace in seeing Buffy's skinny ass get dropped kicked as her abusive behavior gets turned back on her.

Gee did that sound "bitter" too you?  Lovely start... As always.

Ta!   S 


Oh, I absolutely agree with that 'bitter'!  That's how the story came about - wondering how things would go if he hit back.  I'm so glad you're liking it!

10/17/2009 09:53 am
Interesting, I took a break from btvs fanfiction, so I still gotta finish reading some of the other stuff you wrote but this was nice.
Thank you!  I'm so glad you're liking it!

10/17/2009 09:11 am
I like this chapter so far, and I like the idea that season 3 Spike is gonna be in control here.  This is gonna be fun.
And I can just imagine Buffy's face when he threw the candlestick back at her *snicker*. I'm usually okay with politically inccorect, so I see no reason why I won't continue reading (and if I am squicked out somewhere, I'll deal, b/c your stories are always worth it!).
Can't wait until tomorrow!
I'm incapable of going really dark, so this will only be a tad non-PC.  But some people are sensitive, so I thought I'd better warn them. :D  I'm so glad you're enjoying it!  Thank you!