Payback by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 4

Buffy Convert
10/31/2009 02:45 pm
Oh, this is so good! I have to quit now and go live my r/l - can't wait to get back to the next act.
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!  Some people got really mad at this Spike.

10/30/2009 04:04 pm
Lots of wonderful truths all put on the table. Marvelous!
All my season 6 issues - just had to get them off my chest!  Thank you for liking it!

10/23/2009 04:12 am
very good read, thank you.
Thank you for liking it!

10/21/2009 10:50 pm
The suspense is giving me a hard on.

Hee. So Spike!

“I’d just be using you to make myself feel,” she said disdainfully. “Like some dildo or vibrator.”

“So we’d be even. You’re just a thing to me as well, Slayer. A blowup doll. The Bot.”

Her eyes widened and he laughed scornfully.

“Don’t like the term when it’s applied to you. You can’t be a thing. You’re the Slayer, right? Sod that.”

Heh, turnabout is fair play, and sometimes the fastest way to the truth. Which is apparently just what Buffy needs.

Great chapter.

I spent most of S6 wishing I could whack her over the head and make her see things. :D  Thank you for liking it!

10/20/2009 01:01 pm
Another great chapter (oh, and just so you know I've been pulling an all nighter to finish a term paper but instead of going to bed as soon as I finished, I had to stay up the extra half an hourish to read this story- that's how much I love it so far).
You tell her Spike! it's about time someone got that girl out of Egypt- denial is not a good thing. Now if only Willow and Xander get to hear that rant too, it would be perfect.
I also love how you let a bit of sweetie Spike that we all know is under there out. Though not gonna lie, the fact that he tasered her and then wsa like 'oh, I better make sure she's alright- would you like water?' make me laugh. It's nice to see the softer side of Spike make an appearence, but for the love of GOD don't put him back to being Buffy's punching bag/sex slave/every other horrible thing I can thingk of.
I wonder if it's hit her yet, the fact that he continusy is saying he doesn't love her anymore. Because let's face it, the fact that he fell out of love with her (though Buffy won't call it that) after they had sex would turn BNuffy into a emotional wreck. You so totally know it's true, and she's self absorbed enough to let it freak her out with all the 'what's wrong with me' questions, despite the fact Spike quite clearly enjoys screwing her.
Anyway, I'm going to go to bed now. I probably should have waitied until tomorrow to read this, considering I have a 9:25 am class, but I just coulnd't wait. See you tomorrow!
Whoa, that's a huge compliment!  You couldn't have gotten more than a couple of hours of sleep.  Thank you for thinking it's worth it!
The question is, why does he feel he has to keep telling her he's not in love with her?  :D  Denial much?

Gill Bailey
10/20/2009 09:55 am
As always, you are the best...  Love that Xander and Willow are getting what they deserve, as is Buffy for that matter.  Although I adore Spike in all his guises, he really is pussy whipped in series 6.  Hopefully this way we get to the partnership faster and have no need for the scene in the bathroom.  Rape is never right, whether physical or psychological, but I could never really blame Spike; he must have been so confused by B's intentions...
I could never blame Spike either.  For months she's been saying 'no' then folding every time he persisted.  How could he know she meant it this time?  And the thing is, she's been raping him emotionally the whole time.  If we put a man in Buffy's role and a woman in Spike's during S6, it would have been horrific.

10/20/2009 03:59 am
Woohoo! You go Spike! Tell her how it is! And I totally agree that you can't just keep forgiving people who do the same thing over and over. They'll never learn that way. Great story! As always! ^^ Looking forward to the other chapters!
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  There was so much I wished someone would tell Buffy in canon in S6, so I got it off my chest here. :D