Third Time's the Charm by zennjenn
Chapter: Gut Rot Instincts

Great read. :-)
07/18/2010 06:49 am

10/24/2009 12:21 am
A lot of money, could indeed be helpful.
I hope that Willow's plan (intention) to put his demons to rest. 
Yes - a lot of money would indeed be helpful....for me as well! :0)  And as you've discovered by now, Willow's plan definately puts his demons to rest.  Literally!

10/23/2009 04:17 pm
oh Spike - she won't want Angel, but I guess he has to find out.
Love the dog called Spike 'always on a leash' - and a border collie, best type of dog!
I am now going to keep reading as you have posted lots of chapters and I am way behind.

:0) he definately has to figure it out - he's just that sort of guy - needs to be bashed over the head with the obvious truth because let's face it - Spike was never big on subleties!  Thank you so much for
keeping up ! I'm glad you are enjoying it!

10/22/2009 02:57 am
I have a better question: How long until the next chapter? :D

Interesting life Angel has going for himself. I guess some things are just ingrained, and no meddling from any higher power is enough to shake them. And Spike the dog! Cute! lol Buffy's reaction was intriguing. Not that I doubt the strength of her feelings for Spike, I'm just sayin'.

Enjoyable updates, more soon, please! :)
LOL - I carved out a bit of time to put up a few chapters tonight! Now it's back to work for me - lesson plans to write up for tomorrow. 

I got a kick out of naming his dog Spike.  Angel was never a favorite character of there is no need for you to doubt the strength of her feelings for Spike.  I don't think I could ever go there! 

I'm glad you're enjoying the updates.  Thanks for reading!