Payback by dreamweaver
Chapter: Chapter 7

02/02/2018 01:42 am
Just finished your lovely story " Payback ".  I've read it multiple times now.  It really is the gold standard against which I judge all time-travel fics. 

01/15/2015 09:42 pm
Wonderfully insightful and satisfying!  Thank you!  
I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you!

03/18/2014 11:07 pm
Very well done.  I love the new Buffy especially...  and I didn't feel sorry for Parker at all!!


Oh, thank you!  I wanted to find a way for Buffy to avoid the trauma of Season 6 and for both Buffy and Spike to get a happy ending.  And I don’t like people who use other people so I couldn’t resist giving Parker just a little of what he deserves.  :D

11/11/2013 01:25 am
That was beautiful. Harsh and glaring in parts but truely beautiful. There should be a sequel with aftermath.
I’m so glad you liked it! Thank you! I don’t think there will be a sequel. We all know what things the two of them would change so why spell them out? The real conflict was between the two of them and that has been resolved. So a sequel wouldn’t really add anything and might water down the punch of the original story. :)

08/22/2012 11:23 am
This is my second reading  - loved it just as much - I really like how you used the demons and the vengeance wish to move around in the time.  Love your Spike in this story and how you managed all his anger and then a transition to their being combined by their separate experiences and memories.  All the characters were given just the right amount of time so that they contributed to the story in important ways but still kept all the focus on Spike and Buffy.

I am going to do some graphics based on this work and post  a recommend and link back here at my site. 
It’s all thanks to Joss who is a genius at handling characters. I learned so much by studying what he did!

I love your artwork.  It’s the best!  Please tell me when you’ve got the graphics up.  I’m dying to see them. :)

05/29/2012 09:54 am
What a wonderful story - it was such a good combination of all that anger for both Spike and Buffy and how it all changed.  Your use of all the elements really made the story work. 

And congratulations on having your book being published. 
It also gave me the chance to voice some of my own exasperation with canon. :D  There were so many times that I wanted to whack all of them upside the head.
And thank you for the congrats!  I’m over the moon about my novel being accepted.  I learned so much by writing Spuffy and if it wasn’t for that and getting all the wonderfully helpful feedback, I really don’t think I would have been good enough.

07/12/2010 07:59 pm
Oh wow, loved this! Loved the way you kept Spike true to character and how Buffy finally accepted him. SO AWESOME!! 
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  I wanted Spike just once to refuse to be Buffy's punching bag.  :)

11/06/2009 08:07 pm

your story is beautiful. Thank you :-)

Mara, Germany
Oh, I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!  I'm posting my next one now and I hope you'll like that as well.

Buffy Convert
11/03/2009 05:45 am
Wow, this was a good story. I hate that it's over. I wanted to see what Tara & Willow were up to because I could tell that you had them thinking...
Willow should be okay now that Giles is getting her a tutor.  Oz hasn't left yet, though he will be soon in canon, so Willow hasn't met Tara yet.  But things should go better for both of them.  I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!

10/31/2009 04:08 am
Now I get it! (Bonks head.) The memories were totally imbedded. Everything pulled together in the end.
I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!

10/24/2009 10:07 pm
i liked it a lot! :)
Thank you so much!  I'm so glad you liked it!

10/24/2009 09:06 pm
Amazing! Such a hot and beautiful story all at once! I loved it!
Oh, thank you!  It was fun to write and I'm so glad you liked it!

10/23/2009 10:34 pm
I loved your story. I really liked how you blended their lives.
Thank you!  I'm really glad you liked it! 

10/23/2009 03:09 pm
very nice ending.  Thank you.  While I don't normally ask, this would be a nice story to have a sequel!
Thank you for enjoying it!  I'm not sure about a sequel.  I might be repeating things I've done in other stories.  But I'll see if I can work out a new twist.

10/23/2009 12:25 pm

Thanks for another dose of Spuffy goodness. Although I’m glad it all ended ‘happily ever after’ it was refreshing to see that Buffy’s physical/emotional abuse of Spike come back to bite her. Season 6, in particular, made me uncomfortable becomes it seemed to suggest those sorts of actions were acceptable – I presume partly because Buffy was female and partly because Spike wasn’t human. That’s a very worrying mindset to have and one of the reasons I enjoy your stories is because you tend to emphasise the inherent wrongness of this type of behaviour (whether it comes from Buffy or any other of the Scoobies). I was really pleased that Payback was no exception. Besides… who can resist the hotness that is bad boy Spike!? ;-)


Overall some nice dialogue and characterisation as always. Speaking of which, any chance of a Scooby epilogue?


That mindset always bothered me - that canon kept excusing bad actions because it was the white hats doing it.  That's so wrong.  A bad action is inherently wrong and should be condemned, and I keep pushing that in my stories.
Evil Spike is so much fun! :)  Someone else mentioned an epilogue and I'm trying to see if I can figure one out that would seen natural.  I'm so glad you liked this!  Thank you!

10/23/2009 12:09 pm
It's over, waaah!
Excellent story, wonderful insight on characters as always. Keep up the good work.
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!  I'm working on the next one right now.

Gill B
10/23/2009 10:16 am
All over so soon - and I thought I had another several days of yuminess...  Brilliant as always - I like this partnership - any chance of more in the same vein (pun intended!)

Sorry - forgot to put my name on the earlier post :-(
Oh, thank you!   I'm so glad you liked it!  I won't be doing a sequel, because this story feels finished somehow.  But I am working on a new one.

10/23/2009 09:18 am
All over so soon - and I thought I had another several days of yuminess...  Brilliant as always - I like this partnership - any chance of more in the same vein (pun intended!)

10/23/2009 05:54 am
wonderful read, thank you. your spike was fantastic. his plans actually work how he wanted. even he was amazed at the results. really enjoyed the tale. if you ever become bored, an epilogue with scoobie reaction would be very entertaining.
I wanted, just for once, to have things go the way he planned.  :)  That epilogue is an interesting thought.  I'll see if I can come up with something that fits.  I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and liked this Spike.  Some people wanted to dust him.  :)

10/23/2009 04:42 am
Awwwwwwwwww it's over. I'm so happy for them, though if i'm honest more him than her cause i've got issues with her but either way...hurray for them both! Definitely need a better future than what they saw.
And they'll have one now. :)  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  Thank you!

10/23/2009 04:42 am
Awwwwwwwwww it's over. I'm so happy for them, though if i'm honest more him than her cause i've got issues with her but either way...hurray for them both! Definitely need a better future than what they saw.
And they'll have one now. :)  I'm so glad you enjoyed it!  Thank you!

10/23/2009 04:13 am
How I love a happy ending. This was a great story.
Looking over all the reviews you've gotten, I can not for the life of me understand why some people had issues. How can the unpolitical correctness of this when they could sit through season six? Your story is a bundle of hugs and puppies compared to that, no matter how much of a (awesome) jerk your Spike was.
Anyway, great story and can't wait until the next one!
I was surprised too at the controversy on some sites.  Spike here is actually kind compared to how Buffy treated him in canon, but some people thought him abusive.  Maybe there's something wrong with me, but I couldn't see it at all.  I'm so glad you liked it!  Thank you!

10/23/2009 02:12 am
*happy happy sigh*

I love how you give Spike what he deserves so badly, someone to love him and cherish him the way he loves. 

Lovely, lovely ending.  Great job!!!  Can't wait for your next story!
Thank you!  I'm so glad you liked it!  I'm working on my next one right now :D