Prodigal by coalitiongirl
Chapter: Five

12/12/2009 11:40 pm
Always of the good to see Spuffy camaraderie!
 Glad you enjoyed! :)

11/21/2009 08:14 pm
i love it!!!!  can t wait for the next chapter!!! 
 I'm glad you do! More coming soon!

11/20/2009 11:47 pm
I'm happy about Xander's attitude. I always thought he needed to apologize (which was another reason I hated the beginning of season three), even if Buffy was right in saying she wouldn't have fought as hard. He's a lot more grown up here, and that's nice to see (I'm not a Xander fan, and you've made me like him here-way to go).
Wanted to kick Willow's ass, but I figured that was coming. Even after all these years, I can't understand being that hateful. I get being upset that she left, but can youu really blame Buffy? She killed someone she loved.
And the Spike/Buffy beginnings of freindship is fun. I like them just as much as friends as I do a couple. Their chemestry here works and is believeable. Good job.
Can't wait for more.
 I'm actually not a Xander fan either (I like to think that all my opinions on characters were formed based on S6), but I felt like Faith would have been good for him, because she wouldn't be afraid to tell him when he's out of line, and he SO OFTEN is... Willow's just not in a good place right now, attitude and dark magic-wise. Will she snap out of it? (I don't know, I haven't written that far!)
Thanks! Glad you liked it!