Prodigal by coalitiongirl
Chapter: Eight

12/14/2009 12:18 am
I enjoy that the trio is here now- they were amusing, until they went all homicidal. I swear, Warren was on his way to being one of the serial killers who kidnapped and tortured women to get kicks out of the power it gave him. He went from creepy and annoying to downright scary after Dead Things.
Anyway, great chapter. Your Dawn amuses the hell out of me- and here I thought Spike had his hands full watching over canon Dawn.
And I'm with Buffy- if Tara is stuttering when she talks to her girlfriend, that's not a healthy relationship. At all-it reminds me of how she was like with her family. It's even more horrible than in the real season six.
The Spike-Xander teasing bit was epic. It had me laughing for a good five minutes. And oh Anya, why am I not suprised that she went and suggested a threesome? You know she probably did at one point- that might explain why Xander was oh so mean to Spike. lol
And congrats, you have me liking Xander in this, which is no easy feat. I'm suprised that he's the more forgiving one, apologizing for what he did and everything. He's usually the one who holds a grudge long past the time he should let it go (one of the reasons I don't like him).
Can't wait for the next chapter!
 Glad you liked it! I love the trio- they're my inner geek :D. Except Warren, of course. Creepy sleaze. Dawn's fun to write now, since she's still herself but with Faith's influence. It feels like all I write are the many incarnations of Dawn these days : ). Tara and Willow's relationship really is horrible, I guess that's what happens when one's a control freak and one's too timid to fight back. 
I love Spike/ Xander's relationship- I've always been under the impression that Xander's a little bit in love with Spike, and here, now that they're friends, I can have Spike tease him about it. And I totally get Anya loving that :D. For some reason, this Xander's really not such a bad guy. I usually have serious Xander issues, lol, but I'm basing his reaction on the pretty sedate one from Dead Man's Party, and I imagine him with Faith stopping the prejudice makes him much more mellow. I'm also a little confused by how much I'm liking Xander in this fic. :D
Thanks for the feedback!

12/13/2009 01:58 am
As if Buffy hasn't got enough on her plate, here's creepy Warren sniffing round her skirts!  Nice to see Spike being so accepted, one good result of Faith's dodgy standards apparently.
 Yup! :) Thanks for the feedback!

12/13/2009 12:57 am
Loving the Spuffy buildup.  Anxiously waiting to see what happens with Faith and what the Trio have planned.
 Glad you're liking it! hanks for reviewing! :D