Best Laid Words by Jess Marie
Chapter: Best Laid Words

Soul of the Rose
03/05/2010 11:45 pm
Just wonderful. Smart, funny lines contrast nicely with the tender feeling here. Loved these:

“Chocolate milkshakes will be had by all.”  and  “Slayer or not, some day I am so gonna kick your ass.”

Charmingly written. Perfect characterization. Very well done!

01/27/2010 03:22 am
I really felt the tears.  Very well done!

01/04/2010 12:42 am
He was love’s bitch. Gah, she’d had no idea.

Hee! It's all getting clearer, isn't it? I love that she felt able to tick off something from her to-do list, but I have a feeling this little interlude added several more items "for later". Nice.

12/30/2009 04:24 pm
Nice Buffy moment

12/29/2009 04:46 pm
Excellent. Very nice!

Time of Change
12/29/2009 03:29 pm
Very real.  I love Buffy, and even though she was awful to Spike, I can't help but feel for her.  I like so much that you write her with compassion.

12/29/2009 02:45 pm
Very, very nice.  Good characterizations and very believable scenario.

12/29/2009 01:47 pm
Very believable 'missing scene'.