6 Things That Should Have Happened Post-Chosen (And An Epilogue!) by lovesbitch91
Chapter: The Vampire Slayer and Her Fierce Demon Lover

12/30/2009 11:34 pm
I'm loving these vingettes. I must say this has been my favorite so far! Looking forward to the next.  Oh, about your Christmas story, was it complete? It didn't say so.

12/30/2009 09:45 pm
OMG this was PERFECT!! Loved it so much! Thank god at least she wasn't marrying Xander, *shudders*Why does Buffy insist that some  normal, wimpy guy will make her happy? The way I hear the comics are gonna go it seems like they'll never meet up, so 10 yrs, seems very canonnish *grin* Hey Joss, this is how it should end!

Fierce demon lover...Love that description of Spike! Thanx for a great story! :D

12/30/2009 06:32 pm
That was FANTASTIC!!! I loved the little snippet views of Dawn and co when they're exiting the church! Little details were great, and of course the premise! ;)