Seeing Her by DreamScape99
Chapter: drabble

05/19/2010 06:38 am
A beautiful drabble!  So evocative, so heart wrenching.
 Thanks! Thats exactly what I was going for. I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)

02/08/2010 12:09 am

This is so intense!!
and reallllllll!!!

It's like I can seee it being played in my mind!


 Haha! yes! Thanks KEls :D :D

01/21/2010 04:00 am
 I like how you make the AR unacceptable, but also show Spike's side of the story. It's a fine line to walk across, but you manage it beautifully. Excellent.
thanks for the wonderful review :) 

01/21/2010 03:11 am
Wow, this was so good. You really got Spike's voice. This totally sounds like what Spike was doing and thinking as he left Buffy's house and got to his crypt.

Loved this last line...he would have to change. And for her, he could do that.

Great little story. :)
 wow! thanks soo much! I'm so glad you liked it :)