6 Things That Should Have Happened Post-Chosen (And An Epilogue!) by lovesbitch91
Chapter: Epilogue: Dreams And Paper

02/07/2010 05:11 am
just love this latest update.  I am glad that Spike just finally had enough and left LA to find Buffy.

02/06/2010 07:43 pm
i really really love your ending!!!!thats how the show should have finished!!!i just hope that through all this vampire mania that goes around-twilight ,vampire diaries,true blood- josh desides to make at least a mini series where finally spike and buffy finds each other! i would love to see marsters as spike one more time!!!!!whishfull thinking!!!!!keep on writing!

02/05/2010 11:17 pm
OMG beautiful ending to the stories...they were both dreaming all those scenarios. And YAY! Spike went for her, which is what should have happened cause Spike doesn't stay away! That was so OOC for him to do in AtS..ugh!

This should be S8...someone should send this to Joss. :P

Lovely...and amazing!

02/05/2010 08:36 pm

Thanks for these wonderful pieces! Well done! I hope to see something else from you soon.

02/05/2010 06:21 pm
Now that's a great way to end all of these possibilities.

02/05/2010 04:38 pm

Awesome ending!  Really great piece.  I enjoyed reading it emmensely.