Aftermath by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Four - Do I Know You?

07/07/2010 08:48 pm

03/26/2010 11:59 am
The girl can't help it!
LOL Who could?

03/25/2010 03:53 am
AFraid all of us every single one - :)  Good one.  Extra fun chapter.

02/27/2010 04:18 am
Buffy giving signals ..much?!
LOL She can't help herself. Could you? :)

02/14/2010 10:39 pm
I can never get enough of new takes on season four.  I think you've struck a perfect balance with Spike and Buffy here.  I enjoyed Spike's tentative reaching out to Giles too.  I hope there isn't too much Buffy/Riley, though being a season four story, there must be some interaction for it to be believable.
Season Four is so fun to write - there are so many possibilities. :)  Not too much Buffy/Riley. She's already a bit discouraged with him....

spuffy fan
02/13/2010 05:30 am
I'm really enjoying this story; your  writing is very fluid which makes the story pleasant to read. 

You have done  a great job capturing the essence of the characters (mannerisms, speech patterns, etc.) .
Hope you can update soon!
Thank you so much. I'm glad you're enjoying this fic.  Another update on Thursday, I hope!

02/10/2010 04:55 am
Giles is very funny and Spike too as he's mollifying Buffy that every vampire in the world is afraid of her.  Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thanks. Next chapter is about done. Should go up tomorrow. I hope. Good Lord and the electricty gods willing...

02/06/2010 04:32 am

Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next.
