Prodigal by coalitiongirl
Chapter: Eighteen

02/15/2010 04:48 am
I just know this is going to be bad,  Yum.
 Lol, yum is definitely the word! ;)

02/14/2010 11:55 pm
Wow, you're making me almost regret that you post once a week! I like that the story will last longer, but this cliffhanger is a doozy!

Very good chapter, very intense, so not going to be good for Buffy and Spike!

Looking forward to next week, and thank you for sharing your story with us!
 Actually, now that the fic is finished, I'll be posting probably twice or three times a week until it's done. There are eight more chapters, so it won't be long now... Glad you're enjoying. :D

02/14/2010 06:17 pm
 Ohh the suspense! Hehe :) Awesome chapter
 Thanks! :) More coming probably tomorrow-ish...