Denial by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter thirteen

02/17/2010 03:17 am
Awww...that was sweet.
I can't believe this is almost over!
I adore Anya. Oh my God she's funny. Her comments had me spitting up soda (especially on the sujbect of Spike bringing orgasms with his oral abilities lol). Speaking off, there are never enough eating people jokes, especially when you have Spike there to turn it into an inneundo.
Can't wait for the conclusion!
*grins* A little fluff to make a day a little bit nicer. ;)

Neither can I! :O It's been fun writing it.

Anya is so awesome! She's exactly that voice of 'reason' their gang needs. *nods* Who else is going to shine light on Spike's oral skills?? Hee... you made me giggle with the soda thing, vixen. Spike can make an innuendo out of anything! With you on that one... you can't have enough eating people jokes, especially if it makes someone flustered! :D

And I can't wait to show you! Thank you for the wonderful review, Niori!!! :D

02/16/2010 09:03 pm
 Awww soo sweeet! I love it and you can never have to many jokes about eating people.....just saying :D
*giggles* Not as sweet as your review! :D I like the way you think, dear DreamScape99... I am in full agreement with your opinion. ;) As Buffy said in OAFA: "We do not joke about eating people in this house!" I say: "Why the hell not?"

Thank you for the lovely review!!! :D

02/16/2010 08:47 pm
Aww, this chapter was sweet, and hilarious at the same time.  You know I just loved the parts with Xander, he so wants Spike now.  Can't say that I blame!  Only one more chapter?  That makes me sad, but all good things must come to an end.
Hee... I aim to please, dear Tammy! ;) A tidbit of Spander never hurt anyone, right? Poor Xan-man just can't admit how badly he wants himself a piece of Spike... well, Spike is 'sort of compact but well-muscled'. ;D Nope, we can't blame Xander. Not when we're lusting after Spike too. *shrugs* Yup, only one but you'll be happy to hear it's not short. Thank you for the wonderful review!!! :D