Denial by The Enemy of Reality
Chapter: Chapter fourteen

10/30/2013 04:31 am
That was good
Very glad you liked it!! :) Thank you for reading.

11/11/2012 10:02 pm
Great idea, really made my day.
Very happy to hear that, thank you so much for reading and reviewing!! :)

03/24/2012 10:23 am
Great job! Your story made me feel all warm and smiley :-} ...Aaand also wishing for my own Spike all the characters to a T. Plus, the scenes were very realistic! I could easily imagine them truly having happened in the show. I loved absolutely every chapter. Thank you so very much for sharing, and again, very well done.
Tiffany Chanel
Well, I can safely say that your lovely review made me feel all warm and smiley. ;) Oh, to have your own Spike. *dreamy sigh*

Thank you so much!! :) You don't know how happy it makes me that you loved the story. It was the second one I ever wrote, so hopefully, I've gotten even better since then, but I remember having a lot of fun writing it. It's awesome to know you enjoyed it!


01/04/2011 05:11 pm

Awww i loved this story! But im not surprised.. i really love your work :) Cant wait for your other stories. xo.

Then my mission has been accomplished. :D You loving my work is the awesomest thing to hear EVER! Makes me very happy. I hope you'll enjoy my other work as well. Thank you for the amazing review!!! :D

07/09/2010 08:54 pm
Very fun story.  Enjoyed it!
That was the plan. ;) I'm planning on writing another banter/fun story after I finish my current WIP. I'm happy you liked it and thank you for the sweet review!!! :)

07/05/2010 09:30 am
 Loved it!!!!
*grins* I'm so happy you let me know! I'm planning on posting another fluffy/comedy story full of banter after I finish my current WIP. Thank you for the sweet review, bella!!! :D

02/20/2010 08:31 pm

Damn, I absolutely loved that story! It's totally awesome! Funny and romantic and so fresh! I don't take WIPs, nope, no such things for me, but I couldn't resist this one, and you do updates so ofter, don't torture the poor readers too much. :D

Love it! Thank you!

Hee... you flatter me. I really love that... compliments will get you everywhere, dear evangelin. ;) I'm with you on the WIPs thing, I rarely read them, only if I know the author is known for finishing their stories. No reader fancies the blue balls! :D I would never torture you too much. LMAO

I love it that you loved it! Thank you for the funny and sweet review!!! :D

02/19/2010 07:57 am
Giles did buy new sofa....? LOL

Tq 4 this entertaining peice...
*giggles* What was a poor Watcher to do? They defiled his old one. ;)

You're very welcome, and thank you for leaving me the yummy review!!! :D

02/19/2010 01:44 am
God am I happy you updated- I'm having the day from hell (someone hacked into my email, send a con message to all my contacts trying to get money, and won't let me in- I am pissed beyond all measure- not even watching Spike centric episodes or Lord of the Rings is making me feel better! Argh!) and this made it better. Much better. I swaer, if you had gone and not given me such a sweet, happy ending I may have hunted you down and killed you (jjust kidding of course!). I'm glad everyone was all accepting and didn't make too much of a fuss. It's nice to see them let Buffy make her own decisions without interfering for once.
This was a great story. Completely sweet and cute, and I can't wait to see what you're gonna bring us next!
Happy I could be of any help! :) Aaah... why would they do that?? People really have no morals these days... I'm really not suprised you're pissed. I'd be furious! Must be serious if the Spike-centric epis and LOTR didn't do their job at cheering you up. But hey... you've got me, ready to service and make you feel better. :) Hee... and I did... makes me feel giddy! If I had deprived you of the happy ending, I'd have deserved to be slain. LMAO I tried to steer clear of any character bashing, I like them more when they're supportive... I really think they wouldn't have shunned Buffy had she told them. It was just her making up excuses to not let Spike into her life. No such thing in my fluffy story. ;) I'm working on something new, though I'll have to make sure it's decent enough to be posted. Thank you so much for all the lovely compliments and amazing reviews you left me along the way!!! :D

02/18/2010 11:01 pm
Aww, sweet ending, I love how Spike is a part of the group now, and Giles didn't freak out too much.  I think he was mostly angered by the fact he caught them on his!  Not something I'm sure he ever wanted to see, well, you know I loved this story.  Can't wait to see what else you come up with=)
It was a fluffy end to a fluffy story. ;) I wanted Spike to be accepted as he never was on the show. *pouts* Poor Giles almost got a heart attack... they did, after all, sodomized his couch! Not something a proper Watcher takes lightly. ;) At least he didn't catch them in the middle of it. lol I love that you loved it. I've been working on something but not sure it's ready to come to light yet. lol Thank you for all the awesome reviews!!! :D

02/18/2010 10:32 pm
 Ahh Yay Fluffy Spuffy happinesss! I love how Spike fits into the Scoobies now and Xander whole playing pool and beer thing is pretty much hilarious :) Everything about this story was awesome definitely one of my very favorites!!
*giggles* You described perfectly. :D This was the fluffiest thing I've written so far! Hee... Xander has a man crush on Spike and let's face it... poor guy really needs some manly company, and Giles doesn't exactly strike me as a clubbing, beer drinking comrade. lol You're trying to make me blush, aren't you? Minx. :P Thank you for all the yummy reviews!!! :D