Helping The Helpless by Debris4spike
Chapter: Helping The Helpless

03/08/2011 07:23 am
Love it! It's a great teaser :) Are you still planning on doing a sequal in the near future? please please please with sugar and and strawberries!?! (sorry I'm not a fan of cherries lol)
I started working on some more of the fic, and then RL took over ... but I hope to get back and do some more.

Thanks very much for the kind words of encouragement.

08/21/2010 03:20 pm
oh my gosh please let there be more!!!!:)
There will be more - I have actually started a new chapter of the sequel ... Thanks for the encouragement.

08/10/2010 10:36 pm
lovely!  looking forward to more.... 
Thank you so much - Spike is at his best when he can help his "love", isn't he?

05/09/2010 03:46 am
This was a nice lil read. Would like to *politely* suggest it be continued, as well! Since it did seem to leave off in a place very open to possibilities and left me wanting more.
Thank you - and yes, more is planned - I just need to get my brain round the next section!

Glad that you enjoyed it.

04/28/2010 03:41 am
Very sweet but you should have let Spike bite Giles
LOL - But there will eventually be a sequel!!!

04/25/2010 10:19 pm
 I didn`t really like the way you only had the characters lines and no like "Buffy said", or "Spike grinned" or whatever :) .. <3
Oh sorry - some of that is my Beta as she suggests a story flows better in some areas.

I shall make a note for future scribbling though.

04/24/2010 07:44 pm
Very nice!
Thank you!

04/23/2010 07:46 pm

What the hell? That is NOT a finished story. It was interesting, but it was kind of just a middle; no real beginning or end. Please actually finish this story. I want to find out what happens between Buffy and Spike.

Thanks !!!

I am planning to write more, I promise.