Fragile by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Thirteen

06/17/2010 10:23 pm
I love the sweet relationship between Buffy and Spike that you've built in this story.  It feels real and natural.

06/17/2010 05:38 am
Thanks for the update!  A sweet chapter, especially at the end. 

06/16/2010 12:27 am
love it please update soon

06/15/2010 10:49 pm
Oh my... poor Buffy, hurt because of that. It's really too dangerous for her to work as the slayer any longer.
I hope Spike can convince her.

06/15/2010 08:21 pm
It was ages ago that you updated. Please try to do it more often and sooner. I like the stoy and I would like to read more.