Fragile by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Fifteen

08/13/2010 06:37 pm
love this story! 

07/17/2010 04:33 pm
Just started the story this morning and have flown through 15 chapters only to get to this evil, evil cliffhanger. What will they say? What will they think? How long until we find out? Gaaah!

On a less dramatic note, I'm really enjoying this story. Your characterizations and voices are right on the mark and the whole bittersweet vibe of "Be careful what you wish for..." is just irresistible.

Thanks so much for writing and posting this...and btw, congrats on your marriage. I can safely say that married women do in fact have time for Spike--it's a necessity :-)

07/15/2010 11:26 pm
*phew*  They managed to escape. And now Buffy told the scoobies, at last.
Looking forward to their reactions.

07/15/2010 10:23 am
At last!  High time she came clean, the outcome of this could have been far worse.

07/15/2010 01:59 am
love it please update soon

07/14/2010 08:20 pm
I liked the chapter and I would like to read more of this story, so please update as soon as you can.