Wanting Just One Answer by Debris4spike
Chapter: Wanting Just One Answer

01/08/2012 12:49 am
I personally don't think she'll like the answer. I think he said it because he didn't believed her. My guess, he thought she said it as comfort for a dying man. Something to take with him, nothing she would ever have to act on.

Even if she never said those words lightly, at that point in time after everything that had happened between them. Spike didn't know what to believe anymore, her actions said one thing, but her words said another. Especially the year before, so I can see him not believing it. Then her going on a date with Wood but later that night telling him she wasn't ready for him not to be there. Actions and words, saying two different things.

07/24/2010 07:11 pm
Yes!!  More, please.  You stoked a fire here.  I hope the next chapter is soon. 
Thanks for that - I have one or two other fics I'm working on, but will ry to get back to this as well.

That will be one "amazing" meeting, won't it?

07/20/2010 04:02 am
Thanks - I will, but there are others in my brain at the moment.

However I do want to see how "the" meeting goes!

07/20/2010 03:54 am
Aww very nice!!!   Lovely job with the emotions here.  
Thank you so much - I wanted to get Buffy to come to terms with Spike ... so when she got the phone call (this time) she was ready!!!

07/18/2010 11:41 am
I like the way Dawn is watching over her sister, shows she's growing up, which they didn't really allow her to do on the show. I'm glad that this Angel made the call that he should have on Ats. I'll look forward to the 'reunion' sequel.
I just thought that the battle would make them both think ... both grow up and re-evaluate their relationship(s).

I tend not to be an Angel fan, but wanted to have him being positive for a change.

Yes, when I eventually do the sequel, it will be one "special" meeting, won't it?

07/16/2010 01:34 am
Wonderful beginning. I like how well you handled Buffy's more mature perspective, and the losses she's suffered, without losing her characterization. Some authors don't think they can have Buffy, even this older Slayer Buffy, without adding ditzy moments or silly Buffyisms. You conveyed her feelings very well without drowning us in the whys and details of every memory and thought. I'm really feeling for her, and anticipating what happens next.

I like the idea of Dawn trying to look after her sister, too, but giving her space. I wonder if Buffy will have to face up to some of her old friends or if they'll bow before the inevitable when she figures out what she wants with Spike. Looking forward to more.
Thank you so much for those beautiful words - it means a lot.  I tried to put myself in her shoes as she tried to work out where she wanted to be ... and hope that her meeting with Spike is all that we hope for.

I shall do a sequal, at some point, so to see the next stage on that road.