Defenseless by Rebcake
Chapter: Act Three

08/28/2011 11:41 pm
I really liked this, but I didn't like the end. I know that Buffy would fight like a demon, but I really don't think she'd kill her own body...   It got dark and not in a way that meant it could ever get light again.  Well written, but for this person needing happy endings, kind of unsatisfying.

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's natural to prefer happy endings, I suspect. I know I do. I do think that this veered into serious territory, though no more serious than anything we were given by Joss. I didn't think of it as insurmountably dark because of various instances in media where the person lives on, even in a different body. For example, the Doctor from Doctor Who is on his eleventh body at the moment! I sort of blame Dollhouse, as well, for all the questions it raised about identity and whether the self can be divorced from its physical container. However, there is no bringing Faith back, and Buffy will have to deal with her guilt for that — much more than she did for her Graduation Day attempt on Faith's life, which was irrresponsibly glossed over on the show, in my opinion. I have a tentative plan to write a sequel for this, which would bring a happier resolution and a more hopeful future for our heroes and their friends and family. Does that help at all?

09/13/2010 02:02 am
Wow, you surprised me again.  I definitely didn't see that coming.  But it seemed like Buffy ending up in Faith's body was just starting to get into the heart of a deeper story, so I was even more surprised that the plot just suddenly quit.  Does that mean you have a sequel planned?

And I loved the interactions between Joyce and Spike.  I always liked the potential for friendship there, so I'm glad you developed it.
Heh. Surprise! I'm glad that you enjoyed the Spike and Joyce parts. They are similar in some ways, and I think they could have been very supportive of each other during a transitional time for them both.

A sequel? Maaaaaaybe. I have given it some thought, because you are correct that the issues raised by the ending do cry out for exploration. I usually write one-shots, so this was already quite long for me, but I want to keep going.

08/28/2010 11:40 am
What a great ending! I loved that Joyce was so involved, and it's so much better than the usual "they switch back and everybody lives happily ever after"...kudoz!
Happily ever after doesn't seem to happen to Faith in either case, alas. *pets her* I'm glad you enjoyed it, and were happy to see more Joyce. She's not perfect, but I have a soft spot for her anyway. Thanks for commenting!

08/26/2010 03:59 am
Cool twist - I wasn't expecting Buffy to kill Faith and end up with her body.  Thanks.
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks so much for your comments!

08/26/2010 03:43 am
???!  OMG!!  Wow, you pulled that one off...yeah.  
Um...surprise? I think it's a really interesting possibility, but I am well aware that it needs fleshing out. Thanks so much for your comments!

08/26/2010 02:02 am
A bit of a turn? Oh boy, didn't see that twist coming - and it so easily could have. Just one question - was another slayer called? I really fancy a sequel covering that - and Buffy coming to terms with her new form...
*evil laugh* Yes, this could go lots of ways at this point. I've even jotted down a few ideas, but I'm loath to commit to a sequel until it's well underway.... I hadn't really worked out whether another Slayer would be called. It's a tricky point, but could go either way. Does the "power" that recognizes these things follow the body or the soul? Hmmmm...metaphysical! For people who are really interested in the background and possible future of this story, I have written up a "commentary" which you can find at this address:

Thanks so much for your thoughtful comments!