Fragile by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Nineteen

11/06/2013 05:34 am
That was great

10/19/2010 07:12 am
I enjoyed reading this fic, thank you. Oh, and Buf throwing Will out, yay, about time!

10/19/2010 03:48 am
Loved that ending :)

Great fic, I really enjoyed it :)

10/19/2010 01:34 am
Thank you for finishing.  I'll look forward to your new story.  Keep the Spuffy coming.

10/18/2010 11:48 pm
love it please update soon

10/18/2010 11:27 pm
That was good that Buffy had her powers back when they were attacked. So Willow's spell worked in a way. Eben if she shouldn't have tried it to start with.
Enjoyed your story.