Origins: Revelations by Niamh
Chapter: Part 3

07/24/2018 04:51 am
I'm enjoying reading your great series yet again - I think it's wonderful.

Catherine Nielsen
01/27/2007 05:18 am
I just want to say that this is an AMAZING story! I think your characterizations are better than spot-on; you write what *should* have been, without losing anything essential.
Thank you for the gift of this story.
Catherine N.
Oh, and I SO jumped when Angel appeared, dripping blood in their room.

11/22/2006 07:04 pm
oh xander really needs to get his butt kicked, evil boy...pushing anya around and being just so generally hateful about everyone...excellent story, love, very much enjoyed it :)

11/22/2006 06:38 pm
13 -- i really despise xander in this...anya needs to leave him and find someone better...a watcher, perhaps?? :) great chapter, loving the fic...on to more :)

11/22/2006 06:20 pm
12 -- i just had a thought... willow and angel on the same side...that could be a scary villain...don't know if you have that in mind or not...wonder what exactly tara saw, reading on to find out :)

11/22/2006 05:44 pm
11 - oh this could get ugly fast, if willow gets the wrong the dynamic between oz and tara though...and as for my previous wes/dawn comment, now knowing she's fifteen? um....*no*. lol...*sigh* too bad, could have been cute...and now if willow's back, and angel's coming after her first..that could be a very bad thing...

08/17/2006 02:10 pm
Chapter Fourteen - omg - xander is so loosing it! I love this chapter - very very good! Xander is being a complete prick. Anya needs to leave him and pronto - what he is doing to her is wrong. He is quickly on the road to becoming an abusive boyfriend, if he is not already mentally abusing her with all his put downs and actions. Great chapter I love it sweetie!

08/17/2006 02:02 pm
Chapter Thirteen - Lovely chapter as always - I loved the fact that casey brought Dawn ballons, I really loved the part though where Buffy was trying to figure out Oz and Tara - they would make such an adroable couple. Great chapter!

08/17/2006 01:54 pm
Chapter Twelve - I adored this chapter. I desperetly want Anya to leave Xander - he has never treated her right and you are show casing this perfectly. His comment to her was completly mean. Poor Anya! I would have felt sorry for Willow but she is scaring me. The changes in her physcial appearence or just the tip of the iceberg. Scary witch! Great chapter!

08/17/2006 01:28 pm
Onto Day three of rereading LOL:

Chapter Eleven - Wonderful chapter sweetie - I am very curious about what the physcial changes you hinted at are in Willow? VERY CURIOUS! can't wait to find out how Oz and Tara are going to react to seeing Willow in the store, and Dawn is flirting with Wes - how adorable! Glad that Buffy realizes on her own that Spike's chip is a hinderence and needs to come out. Great story!

06/30/2006 09:19 am
Thank you for not scraping anything, these as well as all of your other chapters, are fantasic.Love it that Xander and Willow are so bummed. Hope that Anya dumps his ass for Giles. Would be great if Dawn was older for Wes. Thank you for letting Buffy say that she loved him. If you have't already dusted Angelus, Please feel free to do so. Just love this amazing story.

04/20/2006 11:00 pm
It´s wonderful, it´s great, I can´t belive that you don´t know that....
I like that Oz is there, and that Anya finally is comming to her sences about Xander...