One Love, One Life by Alexannah
Chapter: William the Bloody

03/06/2011 07:59 am

I like how you made the story work--Buffy was able to tie a lot of loose ends up because she was at the party to hear how it all happened: how he got the name Bloody, the railroad spike, the phrase beneath me, etc.

It will be interesting to see if it becomes a William-Buffy story or if you manage to keep the Doctor involved.  It will be quite a challenge!

L. Sparrow
12/17/2010 11:56 pm
Wow. Just wow! I've seen quite a lot of Buffy crossovers and this is the best I've ever read. I love your characterzation of both Buffy and the Tenth Doctor; its spot on. Thank you for an amazing story and I can't wait to read more.

12/15/2010 02:26 am
Hmm, now you got me wondering about your title when you cut it so close. Can't wait for the next chapter!

12/10/2010 06:44 am
Love it and can't wait for more. Really enjoying the crossover.

12/07/2010 05:24 am
I've never seen Doctor Who but this is time travel and that's my favorite so here I am.  Great so far!

12/07/2010 12:04 am
Oh dear, is she going to prevent him running into Angelus & co and then being turned by Dru? That could have dire consequences... Can't wait for the next instalment!