Home Is Where They Have to Let You In by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Six

10/31/2012 02:52 am
You know, even though I know what's coming, I'm still squeeing over the big reveal.  Squee. :)
Might be a while...

05/30/2011 06:18 am
Funny that it's screaming at us fans but Buffy is letting the similarities go by the wayside. But Willow....!
Well, in all fairness to Buffy (and Willow), you know they're in the middle of a Spuffy story. They don't. *g*

05/14/2011 01:11 am

great update - so does Willow recognise the vampire? Like the way you left us hanging, roll on the next chapter.

LOL - we'll see. Next chapter in a while. :)

05/12/2011 05:44 pm

Please update as soon as you can. I like the story and I would like to read more.

I'm glad you're enjoying it. There will be another chapter soon. :)

05/12/2011 01:02 pm
Hey there, I don't think I have to mention your writing skills, I think everyone knows how good you are. But I'm very happy to see a story that seems to be similar to Things that go bump in the night. I absolutely loved the Idea of the slayer school and the setting in the UK. Please give us more. ;-)
Thank you.  I'm actually trying to avoid too many similarities to TTGB, cause - been there, done that. But some are inevitable, aren't they? *sigh*

05/12/2011 08:43 am

Super update, now I'm gagging to know what Willow found out. More, more, more, please.

More sooner rather than later, I think. :) Thanks for reading.

05/12/2011 07:12 am
NOOOO you can't just stop there!!! truly great chapter.. I am surprised though that buffy doesnt think of spike more around him because even when he can't remember who he is he sooo sounds like spike especially the part about ogling his tight little body lmao that so sounds like something spike would say :)
Oh, he is reminding her of Spike more and more often - but she thinks they are just that - similarities that remind her of Spike.  :)