Time's Fool by MsJane
Chapter: Chapter 3: What Time Won't Change

05/22/2012 04:30 am

Good Spike and Angel squabbling.  Angel seems even more lame than ever.

Thanks. :-)  Yeah... Angel. I can't help but to paint him as I've always seen him - that is, deeply flawed. 

05/15/2011 09:45 pm

loved the meeting between Spike and Angel, and of course Angel is keeping secrets isn't he? This is building up nicely and you are doing a great job of making me impatient for the next chapters.

Thanks mazza! I love writing Spike. He's so much fun. Thanks again for the review!

05/15/2011 02:04 am
This is still intriguing.  Perfect conversation between Angel and Spike.
Thanks SeaPea! (Love the name, by the way.) I really like writing Spike's dialogue, so I'm glad it rings true to you.

Thanks for the review!

05/14/2011 05:59 pm

I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but it seems to me Angel's keeping a few secrets. Not just from Spike, but maybe from Buffy too. I wondered why Buffys internal monologues didn't include any reference to Spike. Now I'm thinking it's because she thinks he's dead. I could really believe that of Angel. He defines himself as being the love of Buffys life, his salvation. Much as Spike once did Dru and I've always thought he was a selfish bastard. Still it would be wicked of him to have kept B/S apart all this time.
Angelus wicked in fact. Totally loving this fic. Really looking forward to more, it's awesome.

All will be revealed in time Jane, in time.

Remember though, that nothing has ever stopped Spike from finding, or finding out about, Buffy, except himself. He thinks he is loving her properly by letting her go, especially since he thinks she didn't love him anyway. Angel just hasn't volunteered any information about her...

Also, don't forget that this story is post AtS, not post BtVS, so Angel knew they had a relationship, but he thought it was more sexual on Buffy's end. He never got a sense on that show that Buffy was truly in love with Spike. 

Thanks for reading and an even bigger thanks for reviewing!