Believe in Forever by Evenstar
Chapter: 1

01/28/2013 05:44 am
wow! That was brilliant! I loved it so much! Thank you for sharing!

03/11/2012 05:14 pm
So romantic!

Thanks. :-)
05/10/2010 06:01 pm

07/01/2009 06:10 am
*thumbs up*

07/12/2008 12:03 pm
This was unbelievably well written. Although the concept of the prim William inhabiting Spike's body has been done a lot, I think you took it to a new level. Well Done!

02/03/2008 08:42 am
This made me smile.  Thanks! 

05/06/2006 03:13 am
*sigh* I really liked this so much! The sweetness and love was written very beautifully!

10/26/2005 11:21 am
bloody brilliant...i loved this fic