Time's Fool by MsJane
Chapter: Chapter 6: Time to Kill

06/24/2011 10:07 am
She was old. He knew she would be, of course.

Heh. Excellent case of mistaken identity! Don't we always see what we expect, even through the veil of not-tears?

This story is great good fun, and I'm enjoying immensely.
Yay! Thanks for the review Rebcake!

I love when people stop to review a chapter when there are other chapters ahead. And you reviewed my favourite chapter too! And my favourite scene!

So glad you think it's fun. More than one person has commented on the tone being sombre, and maybe it is in some ways, which I kinda like, but I also wanted it to be fun and satisfying, you know?

So now I'll be wanting to know about every scene you like... 

Thanks again. Me happy now. 

05/28/2011 12:22 am

great writing -  the ending is just perfect, "the mini was gone", so what now, will Spike turn up, will penis lady demon turn up? next chapter soon please.

Thanks mazza! Next chapter is up. Enjoy.

05/25/2011 10:09 pm

Brilliant chapter, the suspense is killing me, but loving it. I wonder what scared the girls, hoping it was a certain big bad. Things aren't looking good for the mini. Hope its not a classic.  Looking forward to more.

Thanks Jane! It's so much fun reading people's reactions and predictions. Hope you like the next chapter. 
