Time's Fool by MsJane
Chapter: Chapter 12: In the Nick of Time

06/26/2011 12:41 pm
Wow nice fight/flight scene with the slayers.  These badies seem tougher and for some reason scarier then your "run of the mill" demons or maybe it's just been a while since I've read anything with a(good) baddie.

As for the dynamic duo.  Leave it too Buffy to go from "panicked" to "uber house mom."  I can feel the confusion surrounding poor Spike.  I can't even imagine  what it would be to like to run into the love of your undead life after thinking she was "dead n gone" or at the very  least "old n grey."  Let alone the consequences to come. 

Also, I'm looking forward to your explanation as to "why" there are no photo's of Giles or Willow.  (I can hazard a guess.)

Well, keep up the good work.


I love it when readers tell me everything they're thinking! It lets me know how the story reads, what I'm revealing, hiding and how. Sweet.

It's nice to know the fight scene wasn't forgotten with the Spuffy in the second half of the chapter.

Thanks so much for the review!

06/26/2011 01:44 am
I really like your story and your vision of what their future could be like, and I really like Buffy in this story
Thanks Emma. It's nice to hear someone liking Buffy the most in a Spuffy story for a change! Thanks for reviewing.

-  I like Buffy in general, she is a strong independent woman (girl-woman) and hey, he is a massmurderer who has killed pretty much everything the last decade, people should give the poor girl a break. We can´t all be feminim and forgiving all the time :P   I think Buffy is what drives me to watch the tvshow and read fanfic, it is very interesting to see how other people see her and what parts of her persona they choose to bring to the light and focus on. I think it´s great that you recognize that she was just a child before but she is a grown woman of probably 60 something now. Of course she has changed. I like how you "see" it.  
Yes! Buffy has always been the heart of the show. She's a real inspiration for me - her strength, her courage, her self-sacrifice. Joss made the show a demonstration of the inner beauty and power of women, and it has always spoken to me in that way. The last thing I would want to do is betray the spirit of the show in the service of a Spuffy romance.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :-)

06/25/2011 05:06 pm
I've just read this from start to here in one go & I've really enjoyed it.  I like your older/wiser Buffy.  Looking forward to more, hopefully soon.

Thanks for the review! I'm thrilled Buffy is shining out in this fic. 


06/25/2011 12:03 pm

Terrific update, found myself feeling really anxious for the newbie slayers. Hope they make it home.
Loved the Buffy, Spike Interaction, its great to see Buffy finally giving Spike what he deserves. Now he's got nearly everything, blood, violence, wonder what comes next. Loving it.

Glad you liked it! I wasn't sure how the first half would be received. So glad the newbies are sympathetic characters. Thanks for reviewing!

06/25/2011 09:25 am
Hej :)

I really like your story and your vision of what their future could be like, and I really like Buffy in this story :)
Thanks Emma. It's nice to hear someone liking Buffy the most in a Spuffy story for a change! Thanks for reviewing. :-)