Time's Fool by MsJane
Chapter: Chapter 18: No Time Like the Present

08/30/2011 06:28 pm
I little "fanvideo" someone ambitious made - I hope it gives you a little motivation back to all love for Buffy! 

Please please please don´t give up on this story!  Can´t wait for the next part and that almost-kiss was as good as its gets
Thanks Emma.  I won't give up on the story, but my job has conspired with my lack of motivation to slow my writing down. Someone just left a nice review at Elysian Fields and reinspired me, so I've been writing the next chapter the last few days. Your feedback is yet more encouragement, so thank you.  
Wow, that Edward Cullen guy is so lame. I couldn't finish the video he was getting on my nerves so much!

08/29/2011 07:28 pm
Please please please don´t give up on this story!  Can´t wait for the next part and that almost-kiss was as good as its gets
Thanks Emma. :-)  I won't give up on the story, but my job has conspired with my lack of motivation to slow my writing down. Someone just left a nice review at Elysian Fields and reinspired me, so I've been writing the next chapter the last few days. Your feedback is yet more encouragement, so thank you.  :-)

08/21/2011 10:30 am

Didn't watch Angel much, but thought the Slod was a well written character. Genuinely sinnister which is what you want in a baddie. Keep up the good work.

Thanks. Yeah I have no idea if he's remotely similar to the original character, but it's fine writing "creepy". I just hope I have enough steam to continue with this story. It was supposed to be only twenty chapters!

08/19/2011 04:25 am
Good chapter - tension still high between the girls, but Dawn and Xander accepting. Nice UST there, too.
Thanks. :-)

08/17/2011 11:41 pm

Wow brilliant, the temperature was definately uped a notch or two there. Love where this story is going, there's a new twist around every corner. I was horrified by the revelation of the organ harvester, though you touched on it when you introduced the Caretaker. The reality was dark and disturbing. He's a horrible creature, but a genuinely creepy bad guy. Really can't wait for Buffy to slay him. I'm looking forward to seeing what Clems been up to in your world, it'll be great for Spike to have a friend again. Maybe he can give him some advice. Super update, love how Buffy and Spikes relationship is developing with just the right amount of longing and lust. So looking forward to more.     

Yeah, I'm excited for Clem, too! I hadn't realized how creepy the Slod sounded. That's actually a real demon. I found a website listing all the demons from the Whedonverse and Angel the Series had a Slod demon. I didn't watch much of that show so I don't know the demon, but apparently it collected organs and vampire hearts were supposedly rare and a favourite collector's item.  I love working within the Whedonverse. :-)  Anyway, I'm glad the story is still interesting. As always, thanks for the review.

08/15/2011 02:43 pm
 Okay............I get it.......you're all with the torture, but for a second there, I really thought he was going to kiss her, and I was all; go for it Spike, but hen the bartender was with the interrupting, ( bad bartender)!!!!!..............I guess I'll have to wait::))......But in all seriousness, it was a lovely chapter, and showed that, yes, indeed, Buffy wants Spike with her, and not just temporarily. They still walk on eggshells around each other and seem to be afraid to open up....still recognizably Buffy and Spike. I love this story and now I'm very curious about just who the "old friend"is.....Looking forward to the next update::))
Wow. I'm so pleased you're enjoying it so much. :-)  Do you really not know who the friend is? There are hints in previous chapters. I liked writing that almost kiss, and I never realized how hard it can be to write that stuff. I'm glad it was suitably tense!

Thanks so much for the review.