Snapshots of Eternity by slinkypsychokit
Chapter: The Protector and the Warrior

08/28/2006 04:07 pm
Love how he watches her until he decides it's time to contact her.

He was alsways one to study others. Especially Slayers. Getting a soul didn't change that.

08/27/2006 06:52 am's in a very interesting place..
Ahhh, my lovely Faith. She's such a delicious character...

08/11/2006 10:52 am
David huh? Surprised Faith hadn't had him between the sheets already. Gotta find out what's wrong with Buffy. Thanks for the great chapter and read.
Faith's changed. It was slow coming, but she's finally discovered who she is and what it means to be a warrior, protector and a mentor to others. Or, more to the point, she's grown up.

11/30/2005 05:31 am
I know I read this before... but it is still so good... LOL more more ... hey look a "next" button!

10/06/2005 07:36 am
LMAO, but Hey I'm strange