Two Sides of the Same Coin by behind blue eyes
Chapter: Chapter Seven

11/18/2011 03:52 am

Hello there, I've been reading at this site for a long time but never left a comment before this, I love this so much! It's perfect the way Spike and William are split and,of course, Buffy's drawn to both and vice/versa. I can picture everything you describe perfectly and you have the voices down perfectly too!
I usually read completed stories only but after reading your completed pieces and falling in love with the way you put words together I did what I always said I wouldn't by reading a wip...I sat down and thought I'd give it a shot because I love the way you write and read all 7 chapters straight thru till the last chapter which I just now finished.
Thank you for writing such an awesome Buffy/Spike story and please finish asap!!!! lol I love it so much and can't wait to read more!!!
yummycatt aka joanne



Words cannot capture how utterly flattered I am by your review, but I will give it a try to express how I feel.  There are so many reasons your words are leaving me speechless.

For starters, the notion that I was able to compel a long time reader to review for the first time, is everything short of amazing.  In addition, as a long time reader you've been exposed to hundreds of stories and writers, and for you to state I have the characterizations down "perfectly" leaves me in totally awe.

Next, the fact you took a chance on my WIP, which appeared to be going against what I assume was a long standing rule, makes me feel all a flutter.

Lastly, my plans are to finish this story.  I've been updating mostly on a weekly basis.  (I've just posted the next chapter earlier today.  I would love to know what you think.)

Thank you ever so much for such a lovely and thoughtful review.

All my Regards,


11/15/2011 12:45 am
well, I guess that answers my question as to which "Spike" has the chip!  Great story!
Well, I may have answered only half of the question.  Huh, that gave you something else to think about, didn't it?  *insert evil laugh here*

11/14/2011 12:02 am

As a cat owner I have to applaud you on the description of Spike hunting - I could imagine the stealth and preciseness of the hunter against the prey - great writing.
Ah Riley, always the stooge, not for being from Iowa (i'm sure its lovely) but for being unable to see grey and not just black and white - you've written him just right.
And now Buffy has worked it out, how will they get Spike back with William, will Buffy manage to get him back to Giles place, great chapter, and to repeat myself great writing again.


Thanks so much, mazza.  I myself is a dog person, but I was trying to picture animals who are prime hunters.  Cats are those such animals.  Everyone from the house cat to a lion have this grace about them when they hunt. 

Yeah, Riley always saw things in black and white.  Even when he was getting "suck jobs from two-bit trolls" he never really saw the gray. 

No, please repeat yourself as many times as you like when telling me my writing is great!  LOL!

Big hugs

11/13/2011 08:03 pm

I completely forgot about the chip and boy was I disappointed when I realized Spike wasn't going to eat Riley.  Boo hoo!  Spike should really get to eat a human though.  Great chapter!

Yeah, I always thought Joss should've made a exception when it came to Spike munching Riley.  Unfortunately it never happened, and it couldn't happen here.  (this is the down side of a re-write)  You never know, Spike might be "eating" a human some time during the story. 

11/12/2011 10:07 pm
Buffy´s gone soft-for Spike :-D
and telling Riley good  bye,even better!
About the chip,I kind of thought, he would be free of it, during the time of him beeing split in two :-)
thank you so much for updating
Can you blame her, on either account?  Nope, the chip is still there.  Thanks so much for your review.

11/11/2011 02:04 am
Loved it!  Finally a star for Buffy.  Better watch out for Riley in the future. My only complaint is this chapter was too short.  
Thank you, Joyce!  Yeah, Riley still might be an issue.  Sorry, that it was too short. 

11/10/2011 01:50 pm
Even feral Spike doesn't want to hurt her. Hasn't bitten her, tried to protect her. And he's eating cats! Gotta wonder was the cat eating because he tried a human and the chip fired or because somewhere in his primal brain he knew she wouldn't like it if he attacked a human? I really hate Riley, never liked him. His awe shucks Iowa farm-boy routine. In reality just a human Angel. Likes his women weak and under his thumb. Sure he might tell you he loves your strength but he really doesn't, he's jealous. Wants to be the big protector.

Angel is the same way. Mostly because he tries to pretend he is human with a case of vampirism. Angelus loved strong women (Darla for exapmle). Granted he hated Buffy but not because of her strength but because souled him loved her. Humanity was disgusting to him.

Now Spike, he revelled in Buffy's strength. He thought of her as his equal.
I'm so honored having two reviews by you ginar369!  Not trying to give anything away, but to answer your question, no.  The demon doesn't have a conscience(soul), it's hungry it's going to eat regardless what the woman he desires thinks. 

I agree with you completely about Riley, and for that matter, Angel.  Thank you for your very insightful review.