Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 8

12/13/2011 07:06 am
  I have really enjoyed what you have done here!
Thanks ever so!

12/11/2011 01:44 am

ah hope for Buffy after all. 

There's always hope :-)

behind blue eyes
12/10/2011 04:28 pm

Enjoyed how Buffy is starting to open her eyes to Xander and Willow's intrusive meddling.  Looking forward to more

More is in progress!

12/09/2011 05:30 pm
Willow and Xander just keep getting more and more stupid, bah humbug!
I'll try to put a clue in their Christmas stocking...

12/08/2011 09:10 pm

Great update, lots lof lovely Spuffy bonding. Poor Buffy she's really having a hard time of it. Can't even relax in her own home. At this rate by the time Spike gets his body back he'll have brain damage. Nice to see Tara again, might be able to clue Willow in on some of her bad behaviour. Xander just aids and abets. 
Given Buffy's reaction to Willow's cut, it would be interesting to see how she reacts to Slayer blood. I'm sure Spike wouldn't be as squicked as Willow. Hope they don't change back soon, enjoying the ride. 

I think they'll stay switched for a while. It's fun that way!

12/08/2011 03:49 pm
Thanks for the update. I really liked how Buffy defended her relationship with Spike to Xander and Willow. I'm curious as to what the wonder trio has planned since they believe Buffy's lost her memories. That should be interesting. I'm really curious to see how this all plays out. 
So am I, LOL.

But I am so glad you're still enjoying!

12/08/2011 12:48 pm
This story just keeps getting better and better. Just wondering if anybody is ever going to call Giles...
Hmm. Not sure whether to bring Giles into this or not.

I am so glad you are still enjoying it! I had a bit of a struggle with the last chapter.

12/08/2011 04:08 am
Well it looks like Buffy might be closer to telling Xander and Willow to but out of her life. But she's not quite there yet. I have a feeling it wont take much more. One more thing and her top is going to blow.

They still don't get it. They had their underwear in a bunch about Buffy vamping on Willow but didn't realize that it caused her pain. Why? Simply because it was Spike's body. So who really cares?!

By season 6 I really hated both of them. Self involved, self serving little (well you get the idea). Incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions but sure they had the right to run Buffy's life.

Can't wait for the next update!
Glad you are still enjoying it.

But definitely don't let Willow and Xander raise your blood pressure!