Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 10

01/05/2012 08:49 pm
Very sweet love scene!
Thanks ever so!

12/26/2011 09:51 pm

Super update, wondered how long they'd be able to resist each other. Luckily for us, not too long.

Thanks for the review! Hoping to get more written once the holidays/endless streams of relatives are over!

12/22/2011 04:04 pm
Loved this chapter, the way things have been going it was a completely natural progression.  Hopefully Buffy will gain strength and be able to stick to her good intentions.
Thanks so much. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at Buffy's continued progression (when I finish writing it that is. Stupid holidays....)

12/21/2011 03:54 pm

Very nice.

Thank you!

12/21/2011 05:33 am
That was a great chapter, and even though it's only Wednesday, I really needed this nice distraction. You wouldn't believe what's been happening. My son almost died Sunday night and was just released from PICU tonight. 
Holy Moses! I hope the little guy is alright! I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

And I know what you mean by the distraction. I discovered this site when my mom got sick, and I really needed the escape from reality some times.

behind blue eyes
12/20/2011 09:05 pm

Wonderful chapter.  Love Buffy finally understanding how she cares for Spike, and what she has done wrong and is willing to change.  Looking forward to more

Thank you so much!

I will try to write as fast as the holidays allow...

12/20/2011 07:36 pm
Love, love, loving this storyline! Funny and very sweet... and weirdly hot. Can't wait for the next chapter. :)
Thanks so much! I'll write as fast as time and the holidays allow.

12/20/2011 05:36 pm
Text That was a beautiful chapter. I have never read anything so touching in regards to buffy and spike Thank You so much
You are so very welcome. Glad it worked for you.

12/20/2011 12:07 pm
Wonderful chapter.
Thanks ever so! Glad you liked.

12/20/2011 09:57 am
Loving Spike so much right now keep up the good work.
Thanks so much! Next chapter is in progress!

12/20/2011 04:37 am
The sex was weird but still hot. So how weird is that?! Spike getting drunk on three beers is too funny, he can finally really taste it and he gets drunk to fast to enjoy it.

Buffy's speech was perfect. She finally understands just how alone and on the outside he is. He has like one friend (Clem). No one else talks to him except to point to a demon and say kill like a trained dog.

I think she finally gets just how much he loves and cares for her and even for Dawn. Cause lets face it, he is chipless right now and in a slayers body. He could beat the crap out of Xander or kill all of them. But instead he is trying to help her. Talking to Dawn, doing some much needed yelling at Xander and Willow.

I can't wait for the next update.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful review, as always.

I had so much fun writing this chapter. I was giggling to myself on the commuter rail as I pictured Spike trying to tackle Buffy for whiskey. Glad you enjoyed.

And there will be more Scoobie smackdowns coming up.