Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 15

01/27/2012 10:52 am

Xander got off really light there, I would have given him a few more whacks, like Lizzie Borden. I was surprised but pleased Buffy finally gave Willow the heave ho, no one wants a spy in their own home. Great update. 

Thanks so much for the review.

I tend to pound Xander a lot in my stories, don't I? :-)

01/27/2012 12:25 am

I have read from Ch7 through tonight and just want to say you have had me laughing and crying - I have so missed reading your fics for the past month that I am so glad I am back up to date. You don't know how they help me so much, I love this fic, I love the interaction, dialogue, characterization, everything. Spike in Buffy and Buffy in Spike is just so easy to picture in fact I would have liked to have seen this on screen, I think the actors would do your story justice! I like that you have Tara and Anya trying to help our heroes and sort out the wayward two. Even Dawn is good here, her voice is right, and she would in the long run have been on Spike and Buffy's side, so kudos for her character here. Anyway enough from me rambling on jsut to say more soon and I will be there each time. Many thanks for your time and talent.

Yay, Mazza's back! I have missed your reviews. So glad you are enjoying this story. It's weird - my other stories went at pretty steady paces, but I keep going in fits and starts on this one. However, I will definitely continue until it is finished. Never finished WIPs make me crazy with anticipation, and I refuse to let my story be one of those!

01/26/2012 03:36 pm

Well at least it made things clearer for Buffy.

This is true. She clearly knows what she wants...

01/26/2012 01:14 pm
Whew! Of course I knew you wouldn't let Xander kill BuffyInSpike, but I was still anxious! And let's hope that now at last Xander & Willow get a clue after Buffy grew a backbone.
Sorry to cause you undue anxiety. And we can always hope that Willow and Xander will develop clues. 

01/26/2012 09:43 am
Bells, whistles and 76 trombones... Buffy loves Spike!!!!  Willow and Xander out is a bonus.
LOL, glad you like it!

01/26/2012 08:17 am
I have loved following this story. I so glad they haven’t switched back yet. I can see there could be a lot more fun before this happens. I really like the way you are portraying Buffy developing her ‘stones’ and asserting herself. Great story 
Thank you very much! They will have to switch back eventually, but I think they are going to have a little more time walking in each other's shoes first. 

01/26/2012 05:28 am
Yay ! ! ! 
thrilled that both Xander and Willow are finally getting what they deserve.
Thanks! So glad you liked it. I have a bad habit of bashing Xander, but he really does have it coming a lot of the time.

01/26/2012 04:27 am
Oh Xander is going to get an earful from Anya! He deserves it! I swear that boy must time-share his one remaining brain cell with Harmony! He really can't think his way out of a wet paper bag. So because he didn't like Buffy and Spike sharing a room it's okay to stake Spike. And Willow well Tara was right, Willow never asked Buffy after they brought her back if it was okay if her and Tara shared a bed in Buffy's house. Xander is lucky that Spike didn't beat him to death right there. But I doubt Xander has learned his lesson yet. Only he'll try to be sneakier about it next time. And Willow well she is going to try to 'fix it' with a spell. Because she just can't help herself.

Anya was right, their aura's weren't broken that is why the spell didn't work. If Willow had bothered to ask Anya or Tara they could have told her that but Willow thinks she is all knowing. Even above Tara who has known about magic for far longer than her. And over Anya who has been alive and exposed to more of it than Willow could ever comprehend.

This chapter was great!
It was great to see Buffy telling Spike she loved him. I guess she was finally able to really see her friends from this unique perspective. And she realized that they want her to act and be a certain way and if she isn't then they have to do something about even if they don't consult her first. They take matters into their own hands even if it goes against her wishes. Spike helps when she needs it or asks for it and backs off when she doesn't. Willow and Xander don't.
"Time shares his one brain cell with Harmony" ROFL

Now that would be a hysterical pairing: Xander and Harmony. 

So glad you liked this chapter. I am working on the next as time and work permit. 

01/26/2012 03:36 am
Thanks so much for the update. I'm so glad Xander got his comupance. I'm sure it would be too good of thing to hope he would listen to Anya. I'm little sorry for Willow, but maybe this will help her see the error of her ways. I really liked Anya's speech about normalcy and its relativity. 
Thank you so much!

Normal is way, way overrated. I never dabble in it if I can help it.