Time's Fool by MsJane
Chapter: Chapter 26: Borrowed Time

02/03/2012 12:08 am

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, I cannot believe you just did that. I'm in bits now, how am I supposed to cope until the next update? You know even though there are a few unresolved issues, I would have been quite happy if this had been the last chapter. This story has delivered everything I ever wanted and more, Including palpatations, which I  so hope the next update will relieve. 
I've got lots of theories about who might be behind everything. Willow seems, maybe a bit obvious and then of course the Initiative springs to mind, did they really abandon their super soldier programme?. I've often wondered if slayerness could be replicated. It's a supernatural power so can it be cloned? or is it bound to the soul. Are they really chosen as individuals or is it just random. I can't remember Buffy switching bodies with anyone but Faith in the series. So I don't know Joss's take on it. I hope she's not gonna be subjected to lots of medical experimentation. But maybe the only other option is a deranged Willow. I'm gonna go potty all week going over possible scenarios and then of course you'll do something completely different. I just hope I've got some hair left by the end of it all. Brill update.  

Thanks so much for this review Jane!  You know, I think we are of similar minds. I had actually intended to end the story at around 25 chapters. I debated continuing. Then I decided that I should really justify my NC-17 rating since I had advertised it from the beginning. I was also curious to see how well I could write a sex scene. So I was going to end with Chapter 26, which would include a sex scene. Then I kept getting reviews from people at EF about various plot elements. I asked my beta which plot strings she felt needed resolving before I could wrap up the story. She asked others too, and it seemed like most people would be unstatisfied if there wasn't some resolution regarding Shaggy, Willow, Gina, Sonny, the Penis Lady(!), etc. I know! I can't please everyone, and I want to stay true to my own vision, so I'll address what I'll address. We'll all have to wait and see. That said, I do enjoy writing action and tension and Spuffy talking scenes, and I do feel like we should see a few of the other characters again before we finish. 

I can't believe the story has "delivered everything you ever wanted and more"! That is so amazingly delightful to read! I also love your speculations about the Big Bad. I hope you're pleased with the answer...  

Thanks so much for always sharing your thoughts. I always love reading your reviews.  :-)

02/02/2012 12:43 pm
Oh.... dear....  And we're off on another wild ride where people get hurt and killed and.... *bites nails*
I think I must be a bit of an action junkie. Who knew? I had thought that I was in to Spuffy for the romance and the porn!

02/02/2012 12:24 am
Shit! While Spike was daydreaming Buffy got slayer-knapped! When he finds them the carnage is going to be epic!
Yeah. Me thinks Spike will be non-too-pleased when he wakes up.  ;-)