A Gift Unsought by Peaceheather
Chapter: Ghost

03/12/2012 09:37 pm

I only watched the odd episode of Angel s5, so I missed most of his interaction with Angel and the A1 team. I do hope Spike's not gonna let him undermine his confidence where Buffy's concerned. He seems to have his number, but you can never tell. Wes was acting like a mini Giles, you'd think as a former Watcher he'd be more interested in Spikes role in the last almost apocalypse. I really hope breaking the amulet fixes Spike's problem, I don't want him to spend too much time with Angel. He's a bed influence. Great update.  

Much (though thankfully not all) of the dialogue was lifted from the episode itself.  http://buffyworld.com/angel/transcripts/090_tran.html  However, the show's goal was to keep Spike around to boost the series' ratings, so they kept him a ghost for several episodes and gave him a motive not to go after Buffy.  And for some reason the amulet never appears on the show, at all, after this ep.  We don't even see what happens to it.  If you ask me, this is a plot hole just *begging* to be exploited.

I'm not aiming for a season rewrite or even an episode rewrite, really - despite all the parts I included.  My goal was a: to get Spike out of there faster, and b: to showcase Spike's viewpoint and thoughts, so some dialogue where Wesley does ask Spike questions was removed.  I could offer the idea that Angel and Co. discussed the apocalypse themselves before Spike returned, but it's anybody's guess whether or not they actually did.  Trying to interpret canon when it crosses between two shows is... wonky. :)

As always, I'm glad you're enjoying, and thanks for the review!

03/11/2012 12:37 am

Terrific chapter. Loved the way you got inside Spike's head and showed us the real Angel/Angelus, this is exactly how I pictured Angel throughout season 5. Then you left us on a cliffhanger, I love the way you ended it there cos now I really need to read the next part soon!

Sorry this update took so long to write, but I hope it was worth the wait for you.