Blood of the Sire by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Closer

07/13/2012 05:17 pm
Aw, mush. :)
Just a little :-)

04/17/2012 03:13 am

Come on Buffy mess it up!  You know you want to.  :)

I don't know... I think she can learn.

04/13/2012 04:44 pm
I love seeing them getting closer like this, in such a sweet way that is still in character for both of them.

Indiana is not boring, though. :)
I have driven from Chicago to Boston so many freaking times in my life that I could skip Indiana and Ohio entirely. However, I do have some wonderful relatives in Indiana, so I shall amend it. Indiana is interesting. I-90, however, is the most boring road in the entire state. 

04/13/2012 12:52 pm
My only disappointment?  I wish the story were done NOW!  Keep up the good work and thanks!
You're welcome! I promise, I am writing as fast as paid employment and family commitments allow!

04/12/2012 06:05 am
They are doing so well together.  I hope they can keep this up.  It was great that Spike was able to tell Buffy about his mother. 
Glad you're enjoying. The conversation possibilities with someone who has 100 years of stories is pretty fascinating to ponder. 

04/11/2012 11:52 pm

Closer said it all, beautiful moments and secrets revealed, terrific chapter -  religious convention made me think of Drusilla is she nearer than we think?

No, sorry, Drusilla's still in Boston. I just remembered a road trip where I couldn't find a hotel room due to a religious convention, and it was so totally random. I mean, I was in some place that no one would ever think to have a convention, and there was barely a hotel room to be had. Just had to turn that memory into part of the story. 

04/11/2012 03:53 pm
She's falling for him and she doesn't realize it.
All part of my plan... :-)

04/11/2012 01:41 pm
Aww... I love the growing closeness and the fact you're taking it SLOW! More please...
Glad you like it. I'm working as fast as I can, but it is serious crunch time at work, so please have patience!

04/11/2012 09:10 am
I love how they are being open and honest with each other... closer indeed.
Buffy really lacked someone she could be open and honest with a lot of the time. I enjoy imagining Spike in that role. 

04/11/2012 08:11 am

I really enjoy how they get to talk and interact.

Thank you! It's fun to write. 

04/11/2012 04:52 am
Heh loved Spike reminescing about the "good" times.  He's still a pig.  :)
Yeah, but he's a pig who is an amusing hottie, so we keep him.