Blood of the Sire by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Reunion

05/02/2012 08:27 pm
Dru may be crazy, but she can still kick ass! Guess Spike was right to be worried.....Why didn't Dru feel that her Wiliam was near?
Rembember the amulets, good reader. They both had them. 

05/02/2012 04:55 pm
Come on, Buffy, if you can cope with rush hour traffic like that you can try to get round Dru's mojo... now!
I'd rather face Dru than Boston rush hour. At least Dru takes you out reasonably quickly...

05/02/2012 07:55 am

Good chapter, how will Drusilla react to Spikes situation.

Wait and see! Coming soon to a fan site near you!

05/02/2012 02:11 am
Shit! Can I hope that Spike comes to the rescue?
Of course you can hope! :-)

05/02/2012 02:00 am
Oh dear... Buffy should have known that Dru is no walkover. Come on Spike, time to make a supreme effort and get in there....
Dru always was surprisingly strong and vicious, despite her willowy looks. I'll try not to leave you hanging too long!