Time's Fool by MsJane
Chapter: Chapter 28: Overtime

01/17/2013 11:00 pm
This is amazing! My first Spuffy fic in years and I'm so glad it's such a great one. Linked from buffyverse top 5....

10/23/2012 04:40 pm
The planned review at EF refuses to post so the one below will have to do :/
In Giles-speak, it will do very well indeed! Ta. 

10/23/2012 04:21 pm
I came across this fic yesterday. Needless to say, today I’m short on sleep : P  Despite the worrying 5+ month hiatus, I do so hope you still mean to finish this very solid story.
Compliments for the depth of your characters, convincingly built up to gain form beyond a mere 2D identification of “the Tough Slayer”, “the Shy Slayer”, “the Boring Normal Boyfriend” etc. Your characters sound true, as do the original characters (the way Clem tried to swap petrol for eggs for instance. Sounding all supportive and understanding, yet in his agreeable way trying to dissuade Spike from his original plan).
Thank you for giving Buffy and Spike some needed time to grow together again. I’ve never understood after-series-fics in which they experience the initial shock of meeting again, directly followed by a happy 36-hour disappearance into the bedroom... Even if in the end they grew to realise they (still) loved the other, that level of intimacy does not fit the tentative (platonic even) relationship of season 7, let alone the gap of the months / year(s) since.
It’s good to see Buffy true to form, never the damsel in distress to be rescued. Well... she gets distressed a lot, and often could do with a rescue I suppose... : )  But she’s always one to take action solving her own problems even if the rescue-team does arrive to lend a hand... : )  Also very pleased to see a Spike with a little ‘oomph’ to him again, yay!
In short: thank you for a well-written story with a good plot and a nicely chosen ‘Big –but-we’re-serving-the-greater-good- Bad’. I hope you will find the time and / or drive to continue this story, I would very much like to see how it proceeds and ends.
MsJane said: Anyway, I'm in this gig for one reason only: to entertain the sh*t out of Buffy fans.”I for one was entertained : )
(Double-posting this review both EF and BSV just to be thorough : P)
Dear Asuras,

I could write a lengthy note in appreciation of your taking the time to review this story so many months after the last update, but instead I'll simply let you know that I've returned to the story this week thanks to your review. 

I really did miss those crazy two (and my OC's). Let's see if we can't finish this thing. 

Thank you.  

06/06/2012 10:04 am
I adore this story, and check in every day to see if there has been an update. Can´t wait to see how it ends!

05/21/2012 06:00 pm
Love the little picture of the guy with the mace at the end of the chapter, lol! I was so excited to see this story had gotten updated. As always, it was totally worth the wait! 
Yeah, I wasn't sure what the reader reaction would be to that cartoon at the end, but I just thought that picture was hilarious - especially the idea that it was supposed to be Spike. Glad you enjoyed the return of the story, and thanks for reviewing!  :-)

05/19/2012 04:51 pm
So happy to see another update to this!  And I hope Spike gets a chance to drink Shaggy dry at some point! Nice job of keeping the the suspense and the anxiety going in this chapter. Angry, unchained Buffy is always a plus!
Thanks SMS! I like my Slayers like I like my vampires, badass. Buffy was never going stay on her back for too long. ;-)

05/19/2012 11:58 am

I can't express how happy I am to see an update, doing my own version of the Snoopy dance.
So..... Looks like Dr Berger's dream subject has turned into her worst nightmare, good, the women's a modern day Dr Mengele no matter how she tries to spin it. I still don't get Shaggy, he seems to be in permanent smug mode. Given his role in the deaths of the Slayers, he deserves more than a kicking. I wonder if the new council has a unit for dealing with rogue watchers, he needs to go down for a long time, he's a bleeding menace. It's great to see the slayers coming together to help Buffy, but I'm hoping they can do it without anymore losses, I really like these girls. Of course Buffy's doing her own bit to help shorten the odds and without missing a quip too, loved the Moby Dick reference. I'm not gonna try and speculate where you're gonna go from here, cos we all know how that turns out, just gonna gird my loins till the next update. Absolutely brilliant, made my day.

Hey Jane! It's been a while. I wasn't sure if anyone would come back to this story, so I'm thrilled that you did and are still enjoying it. Yeah, Smug is Shaggy's middle name. We'll see how long he stays that way though. The reader response to the original slayers has just been fabulous - especially because I was never a fan of the Potentials and only begrudgingly accepted the post-Season 7 Slayer-filled world when I got into the comics. I've tried to create Slayers that would make me like this new reality. Thanks so much for continuing to share your thoughts on the story with me. Next chapter should be up in much less time than this one.  :-)  :-)

05/18/2012 01:31 pm
Rescue and escape plans in motion and to meet in the middle? Hopefully? I never really liked scientists before and now I hate them.
"Rescue and escape plans in motion and to meet in the middle?" - We shall see... Glad to see you're still reading! Thanks.  :-)

05/18/2012 10:23 am
Well, that was totally awesome! I am always worried when either Buffy or Spike are badly injured or imprisoned that it will take a long time until they've escaped or healed enough to have their own agency again. You aren't making us or them suffer, though, and I appreciate the extra long chapter that seems to be putting everything on track for the bad guys to get their comeuppance. (However, like Spike, I am a little concerned that the plan is going too well.)

I loved sassy Buffy, giving them hell any way she can, never letting up. Super-focused Spike, pulling everything from his bag of tricks to get the job done, was scarily great. It's wonderful that the Slayers are seeing the full package, even more than Buffy has in years. Should be interesting.

I was also pleased to get a bit of Max and Sonny's story, even if just a one-sided slice. Max was terrific, a real hero. I have got to wonder if he is going to lose it when he finds out Spike is a vampire, never mind Buffy's beau. Magic 8 Ball says: definitely.

You've given us great dialogue, exciting action, dreadful villains, lots of lovely character moments and more. Your usual, in other words. You're too good to us.
Ooh, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Rebcake! I was worried about this chapter becuase I'm so out of practice. I can't believe it's been three months since I last posted. Yikes.  Thank you so much for your thoughtful and far too generous review. I absolutely love reading about what resonates for you guys. I'm delightfully surprised that you liked Max, and I'm particularly happy that you enjoyed the dialogue. That's my favourite element to write, you know. Again, thanks so much for the encouragement. Fingers crossed that the next chapter will be ready soon-ish. :-)