Apocrypha by asphodel
Chapter: Chapter 2

07/05/2012 08:55 am

He bit what could be himself. He should be careful he could end his own existence. I liked how William thought.

I'm not sure that "careful" is in Spike's vocabulary, heh.

07/03/2012 11:48 pm
"I could hear him thinking his poncy thoughts, the poncy bugger  LOL  Buffy is going to be bouncing her fist off Spike's nose a lot.  
Well, I suppose he could wear a tinfoil hat for protection of his nose... XD

07/03/2012 01:38 pm
How wonderful! I just love Spike's naughty suggestion of a menage a trois! Reminds me of Anya when Xander got himself Tothed.
It seemed appropriate...at least to Spike. XD