Fallen Angels by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 8

11/17/2012 08:49 pm
Glad that at least Anya and tara are showing real sense now. Angel was too jealous and it makes me happy to see Dawn call him on it.
Tara and Anya always were the sensible ones, although Anya's sesibleness was tempered by that whole vengeance demon outlook 

07/13/2012 03:00 am
This is such a great hurt/comfort story, as well as a reimagining of Season 6.  I'm really intrigued to see how you've managed to weave elements from the show into the story (Tara and Willow confrontation, for example).
Thanks so much. I liked so much of what the original writers did that I love using bits and pieces of it in my own work to lend authenticity.

07/11/2012 12:11 am
Oh wow! I don't know what else to say. Just wow. I cannot wait to read more. Please update soon. I love it so much!
Thanks ever so! I am really glad you're enjoying it.

07/09/2012 09:03 am
Super update, loved the Spuffy bonding. Given Willow's betrayal she should move out, don't see how leaving for a night will solve anything. Looking forward to more.

She should move out. But we might have to wait a while for that. Glad the bonding pleased you.

07/09/2012 08:55 am

At least Tara and Anya are understanding, Angel hates Spike to much or he could be understanding. It will be interesting to see how you make Giles. When he will see her she will still be broken so he should be understanding. He will probably be a bit sceptical about Spike, but he should be able to understand, or not, just have to wait and see. 

Hey, have you been hacking into my computer? :-)

Giles will be arriving soon, and we'll see how your predictions play out.

07/09/2012 02:49 am

Love brassy Dawn and waiting patiently for Willow to get her butt kicked and I teared up when Buffy asked Spike to take her back. 

I am still pondering the best butt kicking scenario for Willow. But thanks for the review, which spurs me on to contemplate violence...

07/08/2012 10:47 am
At last Tara has stood up to the others, though how much notice they are really taking is another matter.  Loved the interaction between Buffy, Spike, and Dawn, very autentic.  I'm really enjoying this and look forward to Giles' arrival.
Giles will be arriving shortly! Just let me get his baggage through to the claim area....

07/08/2012 01:41 am

Such tenderness in the scene with Buffy,Spike and Dawn, beautifully written. And remember housework = only dull women have immaculate houses! We need you more, honest.

LOL, I agree, that immaculate houses are boring. However, going to work naked gets you more notice than you'd like from the boss, so laundry must be done!

Thanks for the review as always.

07/07/2012 03:19 pm
Willow did so much damage.  Buffy is finally back to where she was in the first chapters.  Please, please continue on the path to more progress.  It's funny that Spike with his gentle soothing tones is so totally the opposite of his reputation.  And the others, except Dawn and Tara, seem to be oblivious to the cacaphony of noise their voices create.
Well, there may be setbacks, just warning ya!

07/07/2012 04:51 am
Wonderful, touching update, thanks.
You are quite welcome!

07/07/2012 01:43 am
Can something disfiguring happen to Willow? It's all about her isn't it? Her feelings and wants and needs. She can't pack a bag and spend the night some where else for one night without making a thing about it? It isn't her house and she is hurting the person who's house it is. And Dawn nailed it on the head when she said Angel was jealous. He figured he could ride to the rescue and he wasn't the knight in shining armor this time and it pisses him off. Xander made Dawn cry. For that alone he should get warty boils somewhere personal. 

The scene with Dawn and Buffy in her room broke my heart. And poor Spike, Buffy wants to die and he's right he technically would be doing the right thing by letting her go back to heaven but he can't. It would kill him and Dawn to lose her again.

I  hope Giles is on board with Spike staying with her. She doesn't need the stress. As much as Giles doesn't like Spike he is usually a practical man.
'He should get warty boils somewhere personal.' I think I may need to use that line the next time one of the higher ups at work irritates me, LOL.

Sorry to break your heart. But Giles should be more or less on their side. Which is good, because they need all the help they can get.

07/07/2012 01:03 am
Yay for Tara and Dawn and a modicum of common sense. More please.
Thanks so much! More in progress!