A Gift Unsought by Peaceheather
Chapter: Plans

07/15/2012 11:14 am

Well that's not good, can Buffy kill herself in her sleep? Willow needs to get back and investigate what's going on with Buffy's soul. If it's with Spike maybe they can track it down to LA. It's typical that Angel's still causing Buffy misery. Great update.  

Glad you're enjoying.  Have another chapter. :)

07/15/2012 10:30 am
Yikes not  a good dream, poor Buffy can't even get a break when she's asleep!  Looks like Dawn's realising it's time to grow up at last, she's getting there.
The birds have all left the nest, and Dawn's more mature than many people realize, in my opinion.  She's lived through quite a lot.

07/14/2012 03:15 pm
Just catching up on this. I'd forgotten about it. I'll keep an eye out for the updates now.
Cool!  Is there a way for BSV to notify readers of updates? 'Cause I can't seem to find one, but maybe I'm just looking in the wrong spots.

07/14/2012 02:59 am
Oh that is soooo not fair! So well written, so heartbreaking, and you're going to make me wait for the next chapter. You're a cruel person, but I love the story.
Hopefully this chapter will ease your pain somewhat.

07/13/2012 04:14 am
You evil woman! I can't.... How could...  Poor Dawn Ugh I am speechless! Evil cliffhanger!!!
I feel kinda bad that your review made me laugh out loud.  Well, chuckle evilly, but still.  Not just in my head.  There was actual sound.

Yep.  I just reread it and got a big ol' grin on my face again.  Awesome.