Apocrypha by asphodel
Chapter: Chapter 5

07/18/2012 11:34 am
"You didn't tell me you lived next to a museum,"    That cracked me, so Buffy!
Now she gets to stay in a museum in a park. I'm thinking all the glass cases should take cover.

07/16/2012 08:36 am

I can't help but like the interaction and flow of this story.

I don't think you can get these people in a room together without shenanigans, snarkiness, and possibly a trashed room. :D

07/16/2012 06:32 am
so was it biting William or the Scorpion sting that is messing with Spike?  .  .  .  just wondering
I can totally picture pre-chip Spike acting and thinking this way - you do a really good job writing Spike.
<i>so was it biting William or the Scorpion sting that is messing with Spike?</i> Hmm...all of the above? ;)

Writing pre-chip Spike is great fun. Thank you for your wonderful compliment!

07/16/2012 06:20 am
I'm looking forward to Spike's reaction to seeing his mother.  This is an unusual time travel story and I'm enjoying it very much.
I believe my muse claims all credit for that! ;) Thank you for your comment!

07/15/2012 10:27 pm
Love Buffy's reaction to William's home and Spike's protectiveness of his mother. Getting a bit worried about Spike and his scorpion sting now...
Spike might possibly benefit from a more balanced coolness:admittance-to-pain ratio, but I'm guessing he'd give short shrift to that idea.