A Gift Unsought by Peaceheather
Chapter: Conference

09/21/2012 10:39 am
Stupendous intervention, if that doesn't make Angel think nothing will. The whole team was brilliant in their outrage loved it.
I'm glad you appreciated it - I tried to make them all believable rather than just set up Angel as the Designated Ass for the story.

09/18/2012 12:29 am
Excellent update! I really like how they all ganged up on Angel, but in a very believable way. Waiting patiently for the next installment!
Thanks!  Writer's block for me has manifested itself as a series of plot bunnies for other stories that aren't this one.  In an effort to shut them up I just posted a one-shot called Unsung.  Hopefully that will get me otivated to do a little more with this story sooner, rather than later.

09/16/2012 11:05 am
Great to see this update.  I love how everyone gave Angel a whole lot of home truths to digest, let's hope he acts on them... in a good way of course!
I'm still trying to decide how Angel is going to handle this information - not that I watched earlier seasons much, but Season 5 really seemed to be about Angel losing sight of the mission and losing confidence in the rightness of what he was trying to accomplish.  Hopefully I've portrayed both that, and his friends calling him on it.  Cheers!

09/16/2012 08:57 am
Great chapter, things are moving along quite nicely. Angel is such an ass.
Heh.  Hopefully he's a believable ass, though.  Glad you enjoyed!