Time after Time by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Give me time to think

07/08/2013 11:49 pm
If Buffy goes back to find Spike I wonder how she will like William? I'm pleased to see Buffy finally putting first the one who loved her most.
We shall have to see...

07/05/2013 12:19 pm
Of course Riley would notice the ring first!  Buffy is a possession to him... I'm happy you gave Buffy a chance to really think about how she would do without modern conveniences and to weigh that against what is most important to her. 
I know I would be hard pressed to give up running hot water and voluntarily don Victorian era clothing. Corsets. Shudder...

07/05/2013 11:05 am
This was exactly what Buffy needed, to do, give serious thought to all the ramifications of her decision.  Now she can go ahead with a clear mind... squeeeeeee
LOL, glad you like it Lou!

07/05/2013 09:43 am
I been loving your story since the first chapter. I'm glad Buffy didn't change her mind. Can't wait  see if it's William or Spike or however you write up until the next chapter.
You'll have to wait a little bit more, but I hope you won't mind the wait too much. 

07/05/2013 08:34 am

Buffys thought process was done in a very good way. All the things she had to think about.

Thanks so very much!

07/05/2013 01:58 am
   Wow, I was not sure wether she was going to go through with the time traveling. 

  To tell you the truth, I had been under the assumption that if Spike remembered as Buffy did, he would get himself vamped again and waith.
  Now I hink Buffy is going to save William from just that fate.
  Without Dru, who did.choose Spike, who knows if whoever he could get to sire him wouldn’t just flat out drain him.

  Then again I am probably way, way off.

  Looking forward to more. Awesome job.
Thanks so much. You'll just have to wait and see about William's fate, but I think you'll be pleased. 

07/05/2013 12:34 am
I don't think the Powers were trying to be cruel. They just wanted her to make an informed decision. To really understand all that would change for her and everyone she knew. I'm glad she made up her mind. To know that there is a love out there that is wonderful and perfect for you and to not be able to go to it would crush your soul. She might miss Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya and Giles but she can make new friends in her new life with Spike. But even if she doesn't she'll still have him. And that seems to be a fair trade.
I definitely would pause before going back in time, even for my amazing husband. I mean, flush toilets and the internet are awesome things. I didn't think Buffy should leap without a good long look.