Exeunt by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Home, Alone

12/19/2013 04:29 pm

Another heartbreaking chapter. 

Thanks for the review!

11/26/2013 11:38 pm

Wonderful title for this chapter, how many times do people feel alone but are surrounded by others. In this case others who don't realise how much damage they inflict with their insistence on being right. The last paragraph was beautifully written and made me feel so sad. Thanks for a thoughtful chapter on loss.

Thank you so much for the thoughtful review! Sorry it made you sad! I just posted another chapter, so enjoy. 

11/23/2013 08:26 pm
This felt so in character for Buffy. At this point she really didn't want to talk.
Glad it worked for you!

11/22/2013 12:36 am
Oh thank God a new Chapter. I knew Xander would come around looking for Buffy,  but I didn't think it would be so soon. I have one question. Why is Dawn not more angry about this? I mean not at Buffy, but with Xander killing Spike.
Dawn's angry, but I just felt the need to focus on Buffy a little more. Glad you liked the new chapter. 

11/22/2013 12:09 am
Xander is a self centered ass!!  
Yes. We will have to see if he redeems himself. 

11/21/2013 08:29 pm
I'm enjoying your story, I just love your writing.  Wondering how to resolve the Spuffy, then remembered Anya is a vengance demon again.

Really would have enjoyed a Xander smack down.  Where he makes the fact that he left Anya at the alter and killed Spike all about how Xander has been betrayed. 
Thanks ever so!

And don't worry, there will be an ol' fashioned smackdown when the story warrants it. 

11/21/2013 08:07 pm
This is beautifully written, I can really feel the weight of Buffy's shock.  All very believable and the characters ring true.t
Thanks so very much!

11/20/2013 11:26 pm
  About Xander and Willow pushing Buffy to talk, I get that mentality.  It's that early 20's 'we need to talk this out immediately so I can feel better' angsty mentality, especially prevalent in a co-dependant group like the Scoobies are.  Lol, I was part of just such an agsty group, So that rang true for me.   (obviously there was no dusting of murdering of any sort involved, and if so it was only allegedly ;)
LOL. Reminds me of my group of high school friends. And you could never pin anything on us definitely either ;-)

11/20/2013 11:08 pm
  Good angsty chapter.  
  I dug the heck outta this line -and all signs that someone had spent more than a century on this earth would vanish.

  You write in teqses almost.  Maybe not quite teases, I think you just know haw to end a chapter.
Thanks so much! The books I love best are the ones that keep pulling me on to the next chapter, and the next...

11/20/2013 07:53 pm
Xander as judgemental as ever and Willow just as bad. Dawn has an excuse for being bratty as nobody appears to be considering her feelings.
Buffy is naturally in mourning and doesn't want to have to 'talk about it' yet. She needs time to come to terms with it.
I really hope that Buffy gives Xander & Willow (particularly Xander) a piece of her mind soon. She could punch Xander on the nose. That would be good. Why should she be expected to tell them every detail of her private (with emphasis on the private) life when they so frequently kept secrets from her? Xander didn't tell either girl about Cordelia, he kept his engagement to Anya secret too. Willow kept her affair with Tara secret for ages as well.
More please...
The whole group of them, for all that they were friends, were just awful at really being honest with each other sometimes.

More is on the way - just sent it to my beta yesterday. 

11/20/2013 07:36 pm
They really know how to comfort a friend don't they? Can someone sew Xander's mouth shut? How long did Willow keep Tara a secret? Why do any of them have to say anything before they are ready? Buffy seems to be grieving for Spike. Although it's a bit too little to late to realize he meant something to her. Dawn really isn't taking any of this well. Too many people have left or died on her lately and Buffy disappearing over night didn't help.
Buffy and Dawn are both grieving. However, they will have each other, as you will see.